Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Procedures/ProcessingChainInstructions/NavigationProcessing

Jun 30, 2010, 12:39:34 PM (15 years ago)



  • Procedures/ProcessingChainInstructions/NavigationProcessing

    v1 v2  
    5050== files created (not created during manual processing) ==
    5151 '''before processing'''
    52  1. 4 applanix control batch scripts
    53  1. 4 .gnv POSGNSS config files
     52 1. 5 applanix control batch scripts
     53 1. 5 .gnv POSGNSS config files
    5454 1. 1 auto.bat file which runs all other batch files
    5656 '''after processing'''
    5757 1. 1 'combine_seperation_bestguess_values' file which contains the values the '' script has given each attempt and the one chosen as best
    58  1. 4 sets of POSGNSS output files
    59  1. 4 sets of gnuplot data and config files
    60  1. 4 png files showing the separation graphs
     58 1. 5 sets of POSGNSS output files
     59 1. 5 sets of gnuplot data and config files
     60 1. 5 png files showing the separation graphs
    6161 1. 1 sbet file from the run with the best combine separation file
    6666 1. stage 1
    67    1. '', this script calls '' 4 times with different arguments and then calls 'control_batch_generator'
     67   1. '', this script calls '' 5 times with different arguments and then calls 'control_batch_generator'
    6868   1. '', this script dynamically collects the information from file names and contents and uses it to create the applanix batch files and POSGNSS config file. uses several python scripts to perform conversions
    6969   1. ''
    7070 1. stage 2
    7171   1. '' a python script that should be constantly running on the windows machine. this script checks the specified directory for directorys containing a specific flag and then calls a linking script
    72    1. '' this script performs all the copying to the windows box, then calls 'auto.bat' script, then copys everything except the RAW files (to preserve the timestamps) back to the arsf workspace
     72   1. '' this script performs all the copying to the windows box, then calls 'auto.bat' script, then copys everything except the RAW files (to preserve the timestamps) back to the arsf workspace
    7373   1. 'auto.bat' just calls the other .bat files in the directory
    7474   1. '' this compares the combined seperation of each of the 4 versions and attempts to select the best one, the values used for this attempt are recorded in 'combine_seperation_bestguess_values'. the script then calls the relevant versions sbet creation script. this means that only one sbet is created.
    9898'''command line messages'''
    100 when the scripts fail they generally attempt to convey a meaningful message to indicate the cause or point at which the error occurred. additionally in all but the hardest crashes the linux side controller will print out in which script the error occurred.
     100when the scripts fail they generally attempt to convey a meaningful message to indicate the cause or point at which the error occurred. additionally in all but the hardest crashes the linux side controller will print out in which script the error occurred. These messages are printed to the command line but because the scripts are run on the grid nodes the messages are piped into a file called dispatch_summary
    120120== checking ==
    122 if you wish to double check the results of the system you can view the separation graphs in the auto_bapplanix folder. If it is necessary the project folder can be manually copied to the windows machine and then the user need only double click on the .gnv file in the auto_applanix folder relating to the version they wish to check. This will open GNSSPOS with all the of settings that would have been used by the automated system, the user can then proceed to alter settings and manually process the flight data.
     122if you wish to double check the results of the system you can view the separation graphs in the auto_applanix folder. If it is necessary the project folder can be manually copied to the windows machine and then the user need only double click on the .gnv file in the auto_applanix folder relating to the version they wish to check. This will open GNSSPOS with all the of settings that would have been used by the automated system, the user can then proceed to alter settings and manually process the flight data.
    124124NOTE: if you change settings and then save them this will alter the .gnv config file, this means that until the automatic system is run again from scratch the new settings will be used.