Version 2 (modified by mark1, 15 years ago) (diff)


Note this is currently not working under wine so all photo processing needs to be done on the windows box.

Processing the Raw RCD105 Images to Tif

  1. Load the Leica photo processing software
    • Under Windows, select start->programs->leica->calibration->Calibration Post Processing
    • If using wine, run "leica_photo_processing"
  2. Select the appropriate camera config (Parameters)
    • As of late 2009, this is CH39_021_060
    • There may be updates to this as the camera is recalibrated
  3. Select the input files
    • Typically this will be something like ~airborne/workspace/IPY09_11-2009_219_Helheim/leica/rcd/images
    • You can click and shift-click to select a list from the open file dialog, but be aware that it appears to take about 5 seconds per file under wine, so expect a long wait while it's thinking (it hasn't crashed!)
  4. Ensure both Auto Contrast and Adaptive Left-Right Balance are selected.
  5. Select the output directory
    • Typically this will be something like ~airborne/workspace/IPY09_11-2009_219_Helheim/leica/rcd/proc_images
  6. Select 16 bit TIFF output (this is important! )
  7. Hit the start button and go for coffee (allow about 20-30secs per file)

A typical processing setup looks like:

Example processing screen