Version 10 (modified by wja, 11 months ago) (diff)


2023 Installations

The 2023 campaign saw four differnt configorations of instruments on board the VP-FBL Twin Otter in Italy, UK and Canada.

Instrument Orientations

Note: I believe that the IMU being "backwards" is the way our processing systems expect it.

InstallationJulian RangeIMUOwlFenix1kIbisPhaseOne
Italy 1143 - 152BackwardsBackwardsBackwardsForwardsForwards
Italy 2 176 - 183BackwardsBackwardsBackwardsForwardsForwards
UK190 - 200ForwardsNot InstalledBackwardsForwardsForwards

The following should outline the data from which instruments which requires across-sample flipping in order to map.

InstallationJulian RangeOwlFenix1kIbis
Italy 1143 - 152 flip
Italy 2 176 - 183 flip
UK190 - 200 flip
Canada226-235 flip

Boresight Values

Values are in the format of pitch, roll and yaw.

InstallationJulian RangeFenix1kIbisOwl
Italy 1143 - 1520.63 -1.10 1.900.18 -1.60 1.00See below
Italy 2176 - 183 See below
UK190 - 2000.45 -0.10 1.50-0.20 -0.70 0.75Not installed
Canada226 - 235

The Owl boresighting for the Italy flights is more complicated as it was on a movable mount allowing data to be collected a different angles. Each angle changes the boresight offsets.

Italy 1 Owl Boresight:


Italy 2 Owl Boresight (julian day 179):


Note: Offsets for the 20 degrees looking angle have been estimated by scaling the difference between the nadir and 34 degree offsets.

Swatch Masking

The Fenix1k and Ibis field of view is obstructed by the aircraft throughout this flying season. This appears as a vignette and needs to masked during aplcal. The following mask files have been made to achieve this.

InstallationJulian RangeFenix1kIbis
Italy 1143 - 152
Italy 2 176 - 183
UK190 - 200
Canada226-235 flip