| 47 | * The EPSG codes are not populated correctly (using WGS84 UTM). Under the key 3076, ProjLinearUnitsGeoKey, it should give the linear units instead it gives the projection code. The key 3072 ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey is missing, which should contain the projection code. Thus a program that tries to out projection information and follows geoTIFF specification will fail because ProjLinearUnitsGeoKey holds incorrect information and ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey doesn't exist. |
| 48 | |
| 49 | * The max/min values in the header file are incorrect so there are usually a couple of points in the file that are outside the bounding box. Some programs then exclude these points as they only read those point within the max/min values given in the header. |
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| 51 | These have been reported to Leica Support 08/07/2012, who have forwarded to their development team. |
| 52 | |