Changes between Version 256 and Version 257 of Processing/FilenameConventions

Dec 20, 2011, 5:01:55 PM (13 years ago)



  • Processing/FilenameConventions

    v256 v257  
    1515The structure under the project directory should look like:
    16 ||'''Top Level Dirs '''|| '''2nd Level Dirs''' || '''3rd Level Dirs''' || '''4th Level Dirs''' || '''5th Level Dirs''' || '''6th Level Dirs''' || '''Example File Formats''' || '''Comments'''||
     16||'''Top Level Dirs '''|| '''2nd Level Dirs''' || '''3rd Level Dirs''' || '''4th Level Dirs''' || '''5th Level Dirs''' || '''6th Level Dirs''' || '''Example File Formats''' || '''Comments''' ||
    1717|| admin || || || || || || || Contains the flight logsheet and any miscellaneous information (readme's, copies of trac tickets, etc) ||
    1818|| || || || || || || GB08_02-2009_078a_Delamere.(doc|txt|pdf) || Logsheet ||
    3333|| || || webcam     || || || || 100715_124101_000.jpg || Webcam image ||
    3434|| || || || || || || 20100715_105036_evt.csv || Webcam event file ||
    35 || hyperspectral || || || || || || || || ||
    36 || || eagle || || || |||| || Raw Eagle data files ||
     35|| hyperspectral || || || || || || || ||
     36|| || eagle || || || || || || Raw Eagle data files ||
    3737|| || || || || || || dataCube.raw || ||
    3838|| || || || || || || VNIR078a-09-1.hdr || ENVI compatible header ||
    127127|| || || raw || || || ||  DCALM.001 || Raw gps data from plane ||
    128128|| || basestation || || || || || || Basestation data ||
    129 || || ||  || || || || oxfr154g30.09n || ||
     129|| || || || || || || oxfr154g30.09n || ||
    130130|| || || || || || || oxfr154g30.09o  || ||
    131 || || ||  || || || || oxfr154g30.epp || ||
     131|| || || || || || || oxfr154g30.epp || ||
    132132|| || || || || || || oxfr154g30.gpb || POSGNSS friendly file format ||
    133133|| || || || || || ||  oxfr154g30.sta || Text file with info about basestation ||
    171171|| || || || || || || 20090319_142319.iqc || IPAS TC quality control file ||
    172172|| || || raw || || || || 20090319_111251.001 || Raw GPS/IMU data ||
    173 || processing ||  || || || || || || ||
     173|| processing || || || || || || || ||
    174174|| || als50  || || || || || || ||
    175175|| || || las || || || ||  || Contains the finalised processed LAS files ||
    180180|| || || || || || || LDR091026_060148_1.LAS || LAS file ||
    181181|| || delivery   || || || || || || Contains copies of data delivered to end users ||
    182 || || || EUFAR11_06-098-hyperspectral-20110621 || || || || || Delivery folder ||
    183 || || || || **Delivery structures described below**|| || || || ||
     182|| || || EUFAR11_06-098-hyperspectral-20110621 || ''Delivery structures described below'' || || || || Delivery folder ||
    184183|| || hyperspectral || || || || || 0532010.cfg  || Config file ||
    185184|| || ||  dem  || || || || || ||
    258257|| bin ||  ||  ||   Latest versions of the pt_cloud_filter for linux and windows ||
    259258|| dem ||  || GB08_19-2010-254b-lidar_ASTER-wgs84_utm.dem || DEM created from the lidar data.  Can be from their lidar/SRTM/ASTER or a combination (not from NEXTMAP data - license restrictions). DEM is in same co-ordinate system as processed LAS files. ||
    260 || ||  || GB08_19-2010-254b-lidar_ASTER-wgs84_latlong.dem|| Above LiDAR dem converted to wgs84_latlong (compatible with apl) ||
     259|| ||  || GB08_19-2010-254b-lidar_ASTER-wgs84_latlong.dem || Above LiDAR dem converted to wgs84_latlong (compatible with apl) ||
    262260|| doc || || lidar-quality-report_20110519.pdf  ||  Lidar quality report ||
    263261|| flightlines || ||  ||   Classified lidar point clouds ||