Changes between Version 259 and Version 260 of Processing/FilenameConventions

Dec 21, 2011, 12:18:13 PM (13 years ago)



  • Processing/FilenameConventions

    v259 v260  
    215215|| '''Top level Dir''' || '''2nd level Dir''' || '''Example Files''' || '''Comments''' ||
    216 || || ||  Read_Me-20100202.(txt|pdf) ||    Instructions for use and description of dataset, plus any problems encountered. ||
    217 || dem || || GB08_19-2010-254b-ASTER.dem || A dem to help the user with processing to lev3. Should be ASTER. ||
     216|| || ||  Read_Me-20100202.pdf ||    Instructions for use and description of dataset, plus any problems encountered. ||
     217|| dem || ||  || A dem to help the user with processing to lev3. Should be ASTER. ||
     218|| || || GB08_19-2010-254b-ASTER.dem || ASTER binary dem ||
     219|| || || GB08_19-2010-254b-ASTER.hdr || Header file for DEM ||
    218220|| doc || || || data quality report and other documentation ||
    219221|| || || data_quality-20100525.pdf || data quality report ||
    220222|| flightlines || || || ||
    221 || || fodis || || ||
    222 || || level1b || (e|h)078a031b.bil || Level 1 image data ||
     223|| || fodis || || Data for the FODIS instrument ||
     224|| || || e220041b_FODIS.bil || ||
     225|| || || e220041b_FODIS.bil.hdr || ||
     226|| || level1b || || Level 1 image data ||
     227|| || || (e|h)078a031b.bil || ENVI bil file of level 1 data ||
    223228|| || || (e|h)078a031b.bil.hdr || Header file for image data ||
    224229|| || || e223041b_mask.bil || An image showing masked pixels ||
    225230|| || || e223041b_mask.bil.hdr || Header file for mask image ||
    226231|| || || h223041b_badpixels.txt || List of bad pixels (Hawk only) ||
    227 || || line_information || || metadata for each line ||
    228 || || navigation || || ||
     232|| || line_information || (e|h)221021b.xml || metadata for each line ||
     233|| || navigation || || Navigation data for each line ||
     234|| || || e098101b_nav_post_processed.bil || Envi bil file with navigation data ||
     235|| || || e098101b_nav_post_processed.bil.hdr || Header file for navigation ||
     236|| || || e098101b_nav_post_processed_quality.bil || Bil file indicating quality of navigation file ||
     237|| || || e098101b_nav_post_processed_quality.bil.hdr || Header file for quality file ||
    229238|| logsheet || || FW10_01-2010_187_Dennys_wood.pdf || Copy of pdf version of logsheet ||
    230239|| misc (optional) || ||  ||  Any additional files needed for level 3 processing (e.g. OS National Grid correction file, geoid-spheroid separation grid file, etc) ||
    231240|| || || osgb02 || ||
    232241|| || || sphsep15lx.grd || ||
    233 || project_information ||  || || ||
    234 || screenshots || || || Images of the level 3 output we managed when testing the data ||
     242|| project_information ||  || BB11_01-2011_244a-project.xml || Meta data for the project as a whole ||
     243|| screenshots || || || Images of the level 3 output we created when testing the data ||
    235244|| || || (e|h)078a013b.jpg || Individual line screenshot ||
    236245|| || || (eagle|hawk)_mosaic.jpg || Screenshot of all level 3 data  ||
    237 || || || (eagle|hawk_mosaic_with_vectors.jpg  || Screenshot of all level 3 data with overlaid vectors ||
     246|| || || (eagle|hawk_mosaic_with_vectors.jpg  || Screenshot of all level 3 data with overlaid vectors (UK only) ||
    238247|| sensor_FOV_vectors || || || ||
     248|| || || (eagle|hawk)_fov_fullccd_vectors.bil || ||
     249|| || || (eagle|hawk)_fov_fullccd_vectors.hdr || ||
    240251The image filenames in the lev1 directory are structured as `sdddfnnLL.hdf`, where:
    247258   * 3a = geocorrected without a DEM
    248259   * 3b = geocorrected with a DEM
    252261==== Lidar deliveries ====