Changes between Version 275 and Version 276 of Processing/FilenameConventions

Jan 21, 2013, 11:12:36 AM (12 years ago)



  • Processing/FilenameConventions

    v275 v276  
    214214==== Lidar deliveries ====
    216 || '''Dirs''' || '''Sub Dirs''' || '''Example Files''' || '''Comments''' ||
    217 ||  || || Read_Me-20100202.pdf ||   Instructions for use and description of dataset, plus any problems encountered ||
    218 || bin ||  ||  ||   Latest versions of the pt_cloud_filter for linux and windows ||
    219 || dem ||  || || DEMs created from the LiDAR ||
    220 || || || GB08_19-2010_254b-lidar_ASTER-wgs84_utm.dem || LiDAR dem patched with ASTER data (do not use NEXTMAP data - license restrictions). DEM is in same co-ordinate system as processed LAS files. ||
    221 || || || GB08_19-2010_254b-lidar_ASTER-wgs84_utm.hdr || ||
    222 || || || GB08_19-2010_254b-lidar_ASTER-wgs84_latlong.dem || Above LiDAR dem converted to wgs84_latlong (compatible with apl) ||
    223 || || || GB08_19-2010_254b-lidar_ASTER-wgs84_latlong.hdr || ||
    224 || || || README_DEM_MAY_NOT_BE_ACCURATE.txt || Warning to end user that there are potential flaws with the provided DEMs ||
    225 || doc || || lidar-quality-report_20110519.pdf  ||  Lidar quality report ||
    226 || flightlines || ||  ||   Classified lidar point clouds ||
    227 ||  ||  ascii ||  LDR-EU11_03-2011-102-10.txt || ASCII point clouds ||
    228 ||  ||  las1.0 || LDR-EU11_03-2011-102-10.LAS || LAS1.0 point clouds ||
    229 ||  ||  las1.3 (FW only) || LDR-FF-EU11_03-201110201.LAS || LAS1.3 point clouds ||
    230 || fw_extractions (FW only) ||  ||  || Full waveform area extractions ||
    231 || ||  || FW10_02-2010_101_extractions.jpg || ||
    232 || ||  || FW10_02-2010_101_extractions.txt || ||
    233 || || area1 || || ||
    234 || || || waveform_42437_649348_only.txt ? || ||
    235 || logsheet ||  || GB08_02-2009_078a-Delamere.pdf || Flight logsheet, typed up or created by ||
    236 || navigation (FW only) || || || ||
    237 || || || FW10_02-2010-101-01.trj || ||
    238 || || || FW10_02-2010-101.sol || ||
    239 || screenshots ||  || || Images of the dem and intensity mosaic ||
    240 || ||  || GB08_19-2010_254b-intensity.jpg || ||
    241 || ||  || GB08_19-2010_254b-intensity_vectors.jpg || UK only ||
    242 || ||  || GB08_19-2010_254b-dem.jpg || ||
     216|| '''Dirs''' || '''Sub Dir Level 1''' || '''Sub Dir Level 2''' || '''Example Files''' || '''Comments''' ||
     217|| || || || Read_Me-20100202.pdf ||   Instructions for use and description of dataset, plus any problems encountered ||
     218|| bin ||  ||  || ||   Latest versions of the pt_cloud_filter for linux and windows ||
     219|| dem ||  ||  || || DEMs created from the LiDAR ||
     220|| || || || GB08_19-2010_254b-lidar_ASTER-wgs84_utm.dem || LiDAR dem patched with ASTER data (do not use NEXTMAP data - license restrictions). DEM is in same co-ordinate system as processed LAS files. ||
     221|| || || || GB08_19-2010_254b-lidar_ASTER-wgs84_utm.hdr || ||
     222|| || || || GB08_19-2010_254b-lidar_ASTER-wgs84_latlong.dem || Above LiDAR dem converted to wgs84_latlong (compatible with apl) ||
     223|| || || || GB08_19-2010_254b-lidar_ASTER-wgs84_latlong.hdr || ||
     224|| || || || README_DEM_MAY_NOT_BE_ACCURATE.txt || Warning to end user that there are potential flaws with the provided DEMs ||
     225|| doc || || || lidar-quality-report_20110519.pdf  ||  Lidar quality report ||
     226|| flightlines || ||  || ||   Classified lidar point clouds ||
     227||  || (IF DISCRETE) || || || ||
     228||  ||  ascii        || ||  LDR-EU11_03-2011-102-10.txt || ASCII point clouds ||
     229||  ||  las1.0       || || LDR-EU11_03-2011-102-10.LAS || LAS1.0 point clouds ||
     230||  || (IF FULL WAVEFORM PRESENT) || || || ||
     231||  || discrete_laser || || || ||
     232||  ||    || ascii       || LDR-EU11_03-2011-102-10.txt || ASCII point clouds  ||
     233||  ||    || las1.0      || LDR-EU11_03-2011-102-10.LAS || LAS1.0 point clouds ||
     234||  || fw_laser       || || || ||
     235||  ||    || las1.3      || LDR-FF-EU11_03-201110201.LAS || LAS1.3 point clouds ||
     236|| fw_extractions (FW only) ||  ||  ||  || Full waveform area extractions ||
     237|| ||  ||  || FW10_02-2010_101_extractions.jpg || ||
     238|| ||  ||  || FW10_02-2010_101_extractions.txt || ||
     239|| || area1 || || || ||
     240|| || || || waveform_42437_649348_only.txt ? || ||
     241|| logsheet ||  ||  || GB08_02-2009_078a-Delamere.pdf || Flight logsheet, typed up or created by ||
     242|| navigation (FW only) || || || || ||
     243|| || || || FW10_02-2010-101.sol || ||
     244|| || trj_files || || || ||
     245|| || || || FW10_02-2010-101-01.trj || ||
     246|| screenshots || || || || Images of the dem and intensity mosaic ||
     247|| ||  ||  || GB08_19-2010_254b-intensity.jpg || ||
     248|| ||  ||  || GB08_19-2010_254b-intensity_vectors.jpg || UK only ||
     249|| ||  ||  || GB08_19-2010_254b-dem.jpg || ||
    244251==== Photographic deliveries ====