Version 219 (modified by knpa, 14 years ago) (diff) |
File structure and naming
The old structure is located here.
A single site/logical group of flight lines/sortie should be contained in a single directory. If there are multiple sites from different projects, significantly different times of overflight or large time gaps, each should have its own directory.
The directory name should look like: PROJECTCODE-YYYY_JJJxx_SITENAME, e.g. GB07_07-2007_102a_Inverclyde, boresight-2007_198, etc.
There should be:
- no spaces, brackets or other Unix-upsetting characters in filenames
- execute permission removed from anything non-executable
- no empty directories? (need to think about this, maybe only do after checking it's not a stub for later data)
The structure under the project directory should look like:
Top Level Dirs | 2nd Level Dirs | 3rd Level Dirs | 4th Level Dirs | 5th Level Dirs | 6th Level Dirs | Example File Formats | Comments | ||
Config file used in current processing procedure | |||||||||
(eagle|hawk).mos | Eagle and Hawk mosaics of lev3 data | ||||||||
admin | Contains the flight logsheet and any miscellaneous information (readme's, copies of trac tickets, etc) | ||||||||
GB08_02-2009_078a_Delamere.(doc|txt|pdf) | Logsheet | ||||||||
GB08_02-2009_078a_Delamere.fpd | Flight planning document | ||||||||
delivery_readmes | Read_Me-20100809.(aux|log|tex) | Contains intermediate files used to create the ReadMe(s) | |||||||
(cam|hyp|lidar)_genreadme.cfg | Configuration files generated by | ||||||||
calibration | Typically a symlink to the appropriate calibration directory | ||||||||
camera | |||||||||
rcd | |||||||||
090803-100306ImageEvents1-processed.csv | Processed events file | ||||||||
logs | |||||||||
camera_delivery.log | |||||||||
090803-100306ImageEvents(1|2).csv | |||||||||
090803-145404PhotoId(1|2).csv | |||||||||
090803-100306SensorLog.csv | |||||||||
090803-145404SensorStat(1|2).csv | |||||||||
raw_images | 16093417100001G(3|4).raw | ||||||||
webcam | 100715_124101_000.jpg | Webcam image | |||||||
20100715_105036_evt.csv | Webcam event file | ||||||||
e078a013b_n_sct-0.03_p_gpt0.0.tif | |||||||||
hyperspectral | |||||||||
eagle | Raw Eagle data files | ||||||||
VNIR078a-09-1.hdr | ENVI compatible header | ||||||||
VNIR078a-09-1.log | Log files | ||||||||
VNIR078a-09-1.nav | Navigation synchronisation data | ||||||||
VNIR078a-09-1.raw | Uncalibrated image data in .bil format | ||||||||
hawk | Raw Hawk data files (.raw = image data, .hdr = ENVI compatible header, .nav = navigation synchronisation data) | ||||||||
dataCube.raw | |||||||||
SWIR078a-09-1.hdr | ENVI compatible header | ||||||||
SWIR078a-09-1.log | Log files | ||||||||
SWIR078a-09-1.nav | Navigation synchronisation data | ||||||||
SWIR078a-09-1.raw | Uncalibrated image data in .bil format | ||||||||
lidar | |||||||||
als50 | |||||||||
aux_files | Reg file used, any logs produced, intensity mosaics, boresight values | ||||||||
lidar_2009078a.mos | ENVI mosaic of lidar lines intensity | ||||||||
lidar_2009078a.mos.hdr | ENVI mosaic header | ||||||||
2009078a.reg | Contains ALSPP settings | ||||||||
lidar_2009078a.tif | Lidar intensity image | ||||||||
line01_2009078a.tif | Individual flightline intensity image | ||||||||
logs | Contains the flight/ops log files | ||||||||
100411_084840_FlightLineLog.csv | |||||||||
20091123212501_LogData.mdb | |||||||||
091005_LogFile.txt | |||||||||
090812_DLLogFile.txt | |||||||||
20091123212501_LogDataSysDesc.xml | |||||||||
RawLaser | Contains the raw laser data | ||||||||
090601_111411 | Contains raw laser for one contiguous recording | ||||||||
LDR090601_111411_0000000001.scn | Raw LIDAR scan files | ||||||||
RawWFD | Raw waveform data | ||||||||
100706_094620 | |||||||||
WFD100706_094620_0000000001A.LWV | |||||||||
logfiles | *.logs | Logs from hyperspectral script runs on gridnode (one log per flightline) | |||||||
posatt | position/attitude data | ||||||||
applanix_litton | data from applanix using the litton imu | ||||||||
2009078a.ppc | POSPac project file | ||||||||
base (deprecated) | ? | ||||||||
eo (possibly optional and often empty) | ? | ||||||||
extract | Plane gps data after extracted from raw files by applanix | ||||||||
dephem_2009078a.dat | |||||||||
extract_2009078a.log | |||||||||
gps_prim_2009078a.dat | |||||||||
hwconf_2009078a.out | |||||||||
iinr_2009078a.out | |||||||||
iinz_2009078a.out | |||||||||
imu_2009078a.dat | |||||||||
mgps_2009078a.epp | |||||||||
mgps_2009078a.gpb | POSGNSS friendly file format | ||||||||
mgps_2009078a.nov | |||||||||
mgps_2009078a.sta | |||||||||
navclk_prim_2009078a.dat | |||||||||
obs_prim_2009078a.dat | |||||||||
rers_2009078a.out | |||||||||
rinv_2009078a.out | |||||||||
rmrs_2009078a.out | |||||||||
rrms_2009078a.out | |||||||||
rtstat_2009078a.txt | |||||||||
tm_2009078a.dat | |||||||||
vnav_2009078a.out | |||||||||
vrms_2009078a.out | |||||||||
*GNSS.dat | |||||||||
gps | Files associated with POSGNSS | ||||||||
2009078a.cmb | Combined | ||||||||
2009078a.fbv | |||||||||
2009078a.fml | |||||||||
2009078a.fsl | PPP log file | ||||||||
2009078a.fss | |||||||||
2009078a.fwd | |||||||||
2009078a.gnv | POSGNSS Project file | ||||||||
2009078a.his | |||||||||
2009078a.rbv | |||||||||
2009078a.rev | |||||||||
2009078a.rml | |||||||||
2009078a.rsl | PPP log file | ||||||||
2009078a.rss | |||||||||
proc | Processed applanix data | ||||||||
ers_2009078a.out | |||||||||
idx_2009078a.txt | |||||||||
inv_2009078a.out | |||||||||
iin_2009078a.out | |||||||||
mrs_2009078a.out | |||||||||
rms_2009078a.out | |||||||||
rmsg_2009078a.out | |||||||||
sbet_2009078a.out | Main output file | ||||||||
sbet_2009078.out | |||||||||
smhkm_2009078a.dat | |||||||||
smindex_2009078a.dat | |||||||||
smout_2009078a.out | |||||||||
smparm_2009078a.txt | |||||||||
smphi_2009078a.dat | |||||||||
smpx_2009078a.dat | |||||||||
smreset_2009078a.dat | |||||||||
smrms_2009078a.out | |||||||||
smrmsg_2009078a.out | |||||||||
raw | DCALM.001 | Raw gps data from plane | |||||||
basestation | basestation data | ||||||||
oxfr154g30.09n | |||||||||
oxfr154g30.09o | |||||||||
oxfr154g30.epp | |||||||||
oxfr154g30.gpb | POSGNSS friendly file format | ||||||||
oxfr154g30.sta | Text file with info about basestation | ||||||||
ipas_honeywell | data from ipas using the honeywell imu | ||||||||
*.gpj | IPAS Pro Project File | ||||||||
*.itp | IPAS TC Project File | ||||||||
base | Base station data | ||||||||
oxfr154g30.09n | |||||||||
oxfr154g30.09o | |||||||||
oxfr154g30.epp | |||||||||
oxfr154g30.gpb | Gravnav friendly file format | ||||||||
oxfr154g30.sta | Text file with info about basestation | ||||||||
extract | |||||||||
*.epp | |||||||||
*.EVT | |||||||||
*_extractLog.txt | |||||||||
*.fbv | |||||||||
*.rbv | |||||||||
*.gpb | Grafnav friendly file format | ||||||||
*.GPS | |||||||||
*.IMU | |||||||||
*.RNV | |||||||||
*.RTG | |||||||||
*_RTMsg.txt | |||||||||
*.sta | |||||||||
*.SUP | |||||||||
*.tm | |||||||||
gps | |||||||||
*.cfg | Grafnav project file | ||||||||
*.fml | |||||||||
*.fss | |||||||||
*.fsl | PPP log file | ||||||||
*.fwd | |||||||||
*.his | |||||||||
*.lat | grafnav final output which is used by IPAS (text version) | ||||||||
*.lat.bin | grafnav final output which is used by IPAS | ||||||||
*.rev | |||||||||
*.rml | |||||||||
*.rsl | PPP log file | ||||||||
*.rss | |||||||||
proc | Processed ipas nav data | ||||||||
20090319_142319.sol | Final output file | ||||||||
sbet_20090319_from_sol.out | applanix sbet created from sol file | ||||||||
20090319_142319.ers | |||||||||
20090319_142319.sup | |||||||||
2009078a_procLog.txt | |||||||||
20090319_142319.iqc | IPAS TC quality control file | ||||||||
raw | 20090319_111251.001 | Raw GPS/IMU data | |||||||
processing | |||||||||
als50 | |||||||||
proc_images | 16093417100001G(3|4).tif | ||||||||
proc_thumbnails | 16093417100001G(3|4).jpg | ||||||||
proc_laser | Contains the finalised processed LAS files | ||||||||
LDR091026_060148_1.LAS | LAS file | ||||||||
pplog_20100226_122027.txt | log output from ALSPP | ||||||||
stats.txt | info from ALSPP about the LAS files | ||||||||
delivery | Contains copies of data delivered to end users | ||||||||
(see below) | Structure described below | ||||||||
hyperspectral | 0532010.cfg | config file | |||||||
dem | Contains azgcorr compatible DEMs | ||||||||
flightlines | |||||||||
navigation | |||||||||
interpolated | post_processed | ||||||||
rcd | |||||||||
proc_images | |||||||||
thumbnails | |||||||||
tabi | Raw TABI data |
The lev1 and lev3 data filenames are structured as "sdddfnn1b.{hdf|tif}", where:
- s is the sensor id (a=ATM, c=CASI, e=Eagle, h=Hawk)
- ddd is the Julian day of the data acquisition
- f distinguishes between multiple flights on the same day (“a” being the first flight)
- nn is the flight line number (note this is not necessarily the same as the flight line identifier as specified by the PI - these numbers are the number of the flight in order of when it was taken, as on the logsheet)
Delivered data
As data may be delivered multiple times (in the event of a problem requiring reprocessing) or in stages (if particular sensors are completed first and others look like they'll be delayed), we take copies of any data sent to the end user for future reference (e.g. in support). The lev1/ and lev3/ directories will typically contain the latest processed version.
Delivered data is stored delivery/YYYYMMDD/PROJECTCODE/, where YYYYMMDD is the date the delivery was created. The directory structure of a delivery looks like:
Hyperspectral deliveries
Dirs | Example Files | Comments |
COPYRIGHT.txt (deprecated - now in Readme) | Copyright notice | |
Read_Me-20100202.(txt|pdf) | Instructions for use and description of dataset, plus any problems encountered. | |
bin (deprecated - now in readme) | Instructions for downloading azgcorr | |
dem (optional) | GB08_19-2010_254b-lidar-ASTER.dem | A dem to help the user with processing to lev3. Can be from their lidar/SRTM/ASTER or a combination (not from NEXTMAP data - license restrictions). |
doc | azgcorr manual and other documentation | |
azgcorr_geocorrection.pdf | ||
azgcorr_manual.pdf | ||
data_quality-20100525.pdf | ||
README-manual_outdated.txt | ||
lev1 | Processed level 1 data | |
(e|h)078a031b.bil | Level 1 image data | |
(e|h)078a031b.bil.hdr | Header file for image data | |
(e|h)078a031b.hdf | Metadata for image | |
logsheet | Copy of pdf version of logsheet | |
FW10_01-2010_187_Dennys_wood.pdf | ||
misc (optional) | Any additional files needed for level 3 processing (e.g. OS National Grid correction file, geoid-spheroid separation grid file, etc) | |
osgb02 | ||
sphsep15lx.grd | ||
screenshots | Images of the level 3 output we managed when testing the data | |
(e|h)078a013b.jpg | Individual line screenshot | |
(eagle|hawk)_mosaic.jpg | Screenshot of all level 3 data | |
(eagle|hawk_mosaic_with_vectors.jpg | Screenshot of all level 3 data with overlaid vectors |
The image filenames in the lev1 directory are structured as sdddfnnLL.hdf, where:
- s is the sensor id (a=ATM, c=CASI, e=Eagle, h=Hawk)
- ddd is the Julian day of the data acquisition
- f distinguishes between multiple flights on the same day ("a" being the first flight)
- nn is the flight line number
- LL is the processing level
- 1b = ungeocorrected data
- 3a = geocorrected without a DEM
- 3b = geocorrected with a DEM
Lidar deliveries
Dirs | Sub Dirs | Example Files | Comments |
COPYRIGHT.txt (deprecated - now in Readme) | Copyright notice | ||
Read_Me-20100202.(txt|pdf) | Instructions for use and description of dataset, plus any problems encountered | ||
bin | Latest versions of the pt_cloud_filter for linux and windows | ||
dem | GB08_19-2010_254b-lidar_ASTER-wgs84_utm.dem | DEM created from the lidar data. Can be from their lidar/SRTM/ASTER or a combination (not from NEXTMAP data - license restrictions). DEM is in same co-ordinate system as processed LAS files. | |
GB08_19-2010_254b-lidar_ASTER-wgs84_latlong.dem | Above LiDAR dem converted to wgs84_latlong (compatible with apl) |
doc | lidar-quality-report_20110519.pdf | Lidar quality report | |
flightlines | Classified lidar point clouds | ||
ascii | LDR-FW10_02-201010101.txt | ASCII point clouds | |
las1.0 | LDR-FW10_02-201010101.LAS | LAS1.0 point clouds | |
las1.3 (FW only) | LDR-FW-FW10_02-201009801.LAS | LAS1.3 point clouds | |
fw_extractions (FW only) | Full waveform area extractions | ||
FW10_02-2010_101_extractions.jpg | |||
FW10_02-2010_101_extractions.txt | |||
area1 | |||
waveform_42437_649348_only.txt ? | |||
logsheet | Logsheet as stored in admin/ above | ||
screenshots | Images of the dem and intensity mosaic | ||
GB08_19-2010_254b_intensity.jpg | |||
GB08_19-2010_254b_intensity_vectors.jpg | |||
GB08_19-2010_254b_dem.jpg |
Photographic deliveries
Dirs | Example Files | Comments |
COPYRIGHT.txt (deprecated - now in Readme) | Copyright document | |
GB08_02-2009_078a.kml | Google earth file containing eagle/hawk/photo positions | |
Read_Me-20100202.(txt|pdf) | Instructions for use and description of dataset, plus any problems encountered | |
doc | data_quality-20091202.pdf | Camera data quality report |
RCD105_Calibration_Certificate.pdf (2010 only) | Camera Calibration Certificate | |
eventfile | RCD105-GB08_02-2009078a-ImageEvents.csv | CSV file containing pos/att info per photograph event (may be missing if camera crashed) |
photographs | RCD105-GB08_02-2009078a-00001.tif | Tagged tif files of each photograph in area of interest |
thumbnails | RCD105-GB08_02-2009078a-00001.jpg | JPEG thumbnails of each photograph in area of interest |