Version 1 (modified by benj, 17 years ago) (diff)


Common command line options for aznav

Verbose output

Use second set of attitude data items (should come from Applanix - set 1 should be from Javad)

Use second set of position data items (should come from Applanix - set 1 should be from Javad)

-f <r> <p> <h>
Use bandpass filters for set 1 attitude items before final scan interpolation. <r> <p> and <h> are roll, pitch and heading filter half-widths respectively. Does this actually do anything if it only applies to set 1 and you've used the -a2 flag?

-h <HDF_Filename>
Use <HDF_Filename> as the output level 1b HDF file

-so <SCT_Offset>
Use given SCT (scan timing) offset to correct along-track deviations in output.

-at <GPT_Offset>
Use given GPT (GPS Timing) Offset to correct cross-track deviations output. Note get as close as you can using the SCT offset before changing this, since that will affect cross-track deviations as well.

-acv <p> <r> <h> <lever offsets 1-3>
Use given pitch, roll, heading and lever offset corrections (three terms for offset of scanner from prime antenna).

To get a more complete (somewhat dense) listing of aznav command-line switches type "aznav" with no arguments at the command-line. Note still may not be exhaustive.