Version 36 (modified by knpa, 12 years ago) (diff)


Lever arm offset details

This page gives details of the lever arms used when processing data collected from the sensors.

Surveys are undertaken by an external company, usually once a year.

Where possible, the lever arms use precise prime points, e.g. the phase centre of the master (rear) antenna, the centre of the IMU, the scan mirror centre for the LiDAR and the focus point of the lens for the Eagle, Hawk and CASI.

Since 2011, nav data is transformed from the IMU/GPS to an imaginary reference point below the plane (the PAV80). The relevant sensor processing software will then transform from this point to the correct sensor.


Aircraft was surveyed by Sterling Surveys in July 2012

Full report, images and various workings out are at ~arsf/arsf_data/2012/misc/dornier_survey/

Unless otherwise stated, these values have the PAV80 as the origin and are X positive to nose, Y positive to starboard, Z positive down.

These values are not adjusted for the phase centre of the antenna.


LiDAR lever arm values.

These values should be entered into IPAS:

GNSS (antenna) -0.127 -0.012 -1.677
IMU (honeywell) -0.409 0.207 -0.174

These values go into ALSPP (I think):

Lidar (mirror centre) -0.140 0.000 -0.170


Eagle and Hawk lever values. These values go in the file leverarm_values.csv:

Eagle (lens) 0.394 -0.02 -0.143
Hawk (lens) 0.581 -0.019 -0.131


These values have the RCD lens as the origin. They should be entered into IPAS when creating a camera sol file.

GNSS (antenna) -0.258 -0.074 -1.678
IMU (honeywell) -0.540 0.145 -0.175


Aircraft was surveyed by Sterling Surveys in March 2011.


The LiDAR measurements are made from the antenna to a reference point, then transformed from that reference point to an internal point (PAV 80). The reference point is the front left corner of the LIDAR sensor unit casing.

Measured antenna to reference point numbers:

  • X = 0.173 ; Y = 0.073 ; Z = -1.412

LiDAR lever arm values are:

GNSS -0.144 -0.029 -1.672
IMU -0.411 0.206 -0.192
User Frame -0.142 -0.001 -0.188

Hyperspectral sensors

The hyperspectral measurements are made from the antenna to a reference point, then transformed from that reference point to the Eagle/Hawk lens. The reference point is the forward port corner of the Eagle/Hawk base plate.

Measured antenna to reference point numbers:

  • X = 0.864 ; Y = 0.300 ; Z = 1.569

Eagle and Hawk lever arm values are:

Eagle 0.559 -0.015 -1.543
Hawk 0.729 -0.015 -1.543


Where unspecified, the measurements are as in the previous year.


Internal measurements provided by Leica:

  • PAV80 rotation point to RCD lens (no spacer): X= 0.112 ; Y = 0.061 ; Z = -0.060

Axes are:

  • X = increasing towards the front of the plane
  • Y = increasing to port
  • Z = increasing downwards

Note that to get to PAV80 from reference point we apply: X = -0.14 ; Y = 0 ; Z = -0.17 (see email March 2010 from Leica)

Hyperspectral sensors

We're told these are the same as end of 2008. Note: These are xyz co-ords, not gam-del-dst

Eagle 0.408 0.001 -1.548
Hawk 0.578 0.001 -1.548


Hyperspectral sensors

We're told these are the same as end of 2008. Note: These are xyz co-ords, not gam-del-dst

Eagle 0.408 0.001 -1.548
Hawk 0.578 0.001 -1.548


Measured by ARSF-Ops relative to Hawk (numbers converted below to relative to the GPS antenna), not surveyed. Should be accurate enough though.

0.858 0.001 -1.548

Applanix IMU

Use 2006/7 numbers?


The LIDAR survey measurements are made from the antenna to a reference point, then transformed from that reference point to internal points (the IMU and mirror center). The reference point is the front left corner of the LIDAR sensor unit casing. Survey was in late 2008.

Measured antenna to reference point numbers:

  • X = 0.010 ; Y = 0.078 ; Z = -1.432

Internal measurements provided by Leica:

  • reference point to mirror center: X = 0.169 ; Y = 0.102 ; Z = 0.090
  • reference point to IMU: X = -0.269 ; Y = 0.207 ; Z = -0.004
  • laser mirror centre to RCD lens (no spacer): X= 0.239 ; Y = 0.062 ; Z = -0.060

Axes are:

  • X = increasing towards the front of the plane
  • Y = increasing to port
  • Z = increasing upwards


18th Dec. 2008: Due to confusion about angle directions, the originally computed gamma angles are incorrect. The error caused should be of similar magnitude to the previous, similar error (ie ~1.5m along-track for ATM, other sensors will have a smaller error). Because the error will be partially compensated for by boresight angles depending on flight altitude, the "wrong" numbers should be used anyway unless you re-calculate the boresight angles.

Jan 2008 numbers (Wrong but use anyway, or we have to redo boresights):

Gam Del Dst
ATM 1.2258 0.0051 1.7380
Eagle 1.0748 -0.0036 1.7441
Hawk 0.9705 -0.0049 1.7985

Jan 2008 numbers (Corrected for reference but use "wrong" numbers above, unless you've redone boresights):

Gam Del Dst
ATM 0.3450 0.0051 1.7380
Eagle 0.4960 -0.0036 1.7441
Hawk 0.6003 -0.0049 1.7985


Use these numbers for VOCALS flights from autumn 2008. Note: These are xyz co-ords, not gam-del-dst (ie use -acx, not -acv)

Eagle 0.2302 0.001 -1.548
Hawk 0.4002 0.001 -1.548

Applanix IMU

Use 2006/7 numbers?


The LIDAR survey measurements are made from the antenna to a reference point, then transformed from that reference point to internal points (the IMU and mirror center). The reference point is the front left corner of the LIDAR sensor unit casing. Survey was in late 2008.

Measured antenna to reference point numbers:

  • X = 0.010 ; Y = 0.078 ; Z = -1.522

Internal measurements provided by Leica:

  • reference point to mirror center: X = 0.169 ; Y = 0.102 ; Z = 0.090
  • reference point to IMU: X = -0.269 ; Y = 0.207 ; Z = -0.004

Axes are:

  • X = increasing towards the front of the plane
  • Y = increasing to port
  • Z = increasing upwards


Use 2006 numbers..


Obs and results as follows:

v:200601 may 2006

2006 D-CALM instrument coords  from SJR 9th May

        z       x        y       Z offset  X offset  Y offset   dst      gam      del

ATM    8.991  96.9065  99.9881  -1.68    0.4565   -0.0029      1.741  0.2655  0.006353
CASI   9.156  97.22509 99.98485 -1.515   0.775092 -0.00615     1.702  0.4732  0.007934
Eagle  9.143  97.7307  99.99    -1.528   1.2807   -0.001       1.994  0.6977  0.000781
Hawk   9.143  97.9155  99.99    -1.528   1.4655   -0.001       2.117  0.7644  0.000682
IMU    9.182  97.5181  99.8089  -1.489   1.0681   -0.1821      1.841  0.6287  0.1689

560                             -1.476   1.4831   -0.0061      2.092  0.8264  0.004113

Pant  10.945 100.001   95.095    0.274   3.551    -4.815
Sant  10.906 100.000  104.91     0.235   3.550     5.000
Fant  10.843 101.661   99.989    0.172   5.211     0.079

Aant   10.671 96.450  99.991     0.0     0.0       0.0


Axes:  Y+ port,  X+ tail to nose, Z+ up
Antennas:  name, postion, AT4 name, survey name
Aant = aft  = master  = GPS4

Fant = fore = slave_1 = GPS3
Pant = port = slave_2 = GPS1
Sant = starboard = slave_3 = GPS2
Sensor offset vector paras allowing for this coordinate system

dx == X offset, dy = Y offset, dz = Z offset

dst = sqrt( dx * dx + dy + dy + dz + dz ) 

gam = acos( abs(dz) / dst )

del = atan( dy / (-dx) )

Units:  dst: metres,  gam, del: radians

Verification test

p = r = h = 0
ant1:  lat: 52.0 lng: -3 hgt: 1000

IMU is at:  lat: 52.00000959  lng: -2.99999734  hgt: 998.511013


Applanix IMU Lever arm offsets

Year X Y Z
2006 1.068 0.182 1.489
2007 Use 2006 :S Use 2006 :S Use 2006 :S

N.B. Some of the 2006, 2007 data has a preset IMU lever arm offset of 0.907, 0.190, 1.783 - not sure where this comes from, perhaps coords noted on the plane? Dave Davis has said to use the 1.068, 0.182, 1.489 offsets.