Version 9 (modified by mggr, 15 years ago) (diff)


LIDAR processing in Linux

The main LIDAR processing software is all Windows based, but parts can be run under the WINE windows emulator in Linux. The parts that work are:

  • ALS Post Processor
  • FugroViewer (LAS file viewer)

Bentley Microstation (and thus TerraScan) currently do not work under WINE. This functionality can be partially replaced by..[work tbd!]

Set up

To set this up, do the following under your own userid:

You can now run the ALS PP with alspp.exe and the FugroViewer with fugroviewer.exe

General operation

This is the same as the normal processing procedure.

CAUTION: The C: drive you'll see in wine will be stored in your homespace on the RSG disk - if this fills up, everything breaks and you buy beer for the whole group! Please save files to your normal scratch space.

Workarounds for Bentley functionality

Differentiating flightlines by color

  • Add a different classification number to each LAS file, using knpa's classification utility:
    • run -i INPUTNAME -o OUTPUTNAME -c CLASSIFICATION_NUMBER (classifications can be 0-255)
    • if you have a directory full of las files to classify, cd into it and paste the following:
      mkdir classified_las
      for lasfile in *LAS ; do
         echo $counter $lasfile -i $lasfile -o classified_las/$lasfile -c $counter
         counter=$(( $counter + 1))
  • Load into FugroViewer
  • Colour points by classification (settings menu -> point color -> classification)