Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Processing/OptechGalaxy2000Procedure

Sep 29, 2022, 10:54:30 AM (22 months ago)



  • Processing/OptechGalaxy2000Procedure

    v2 v3  
    15156. For refined processing we need to add a block (for the block adjustment). Before doing this, ensure any cross lines are selected as "cross" rather than "production" (in the lines section).
    16167. Create the block. For production date select "production+sensor corrections"
    17 8. You can select which tasks to perform for each line and block in the respective sections and click Set Task. Also check the Set Options pop up too. Ensure that in Las Output the correct options are selected (e.g. with classification, with extra bit and the LAS format). The tasks are fairly self-explanatory,
     178. You can select which tasks to perform for each line and block in the respective sections and click Set Task. Also check the Set Options pop up too. Ensure that in Las Output the correct options are selected (e.g. with classification, use withheld bit and the LAS format). The tasks are fairly self-explanatory,
    1818* planar surfaces extraction -> extracts planes based on the options given in the preferences
    1919* planes to shapefile -> creates shapefiles for planar surfaces  for QCing
    5959For details check out the IWR4 user manual for definitions of parameters etc.
     62== Troubleshooting ==
     64PIA confusion - this shows itself as "ground" points being at different levels - e.g. there may appear to be a ground surface 100 m above another ground surface. The distance between them will be the size of a PIA zone so measure it to check this is the cause. The RangeResolution settings in the RES file can help with this (maybe).
     66Digitiser data: The raw data  (00_raw) is the T0 channel data (transmit time), and (01_raw) the receive data (receive time). The 00 file should be a lot smaller than 01. In the WaveViewer, the lefthand panel is the T0 pulse and the righthand side is the return. The range is the range within the specific PIA zone (not the range to the ground).