Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Processing/OptechGalaxy2000Procedure

Sep 29, 2022, 11:00:14 AM (22 months ago)



  • Processing/OptechGalaxy2000Procedure

    v3 v4  
    99== Steps to process ==
    10101. Log on to the windows VM and start up the LMS software (Lidar Mapping Solution).
    11 2. Create a new project and save under the flight day processing/lidar/ directory. Make sure the "project" in a projected coordinate system (e.g. UTM) and the "output" is a supported projection. There is a known bug when setting projection frames, and sometimes the program freezes - in this case need to wobble the reference frame window.
     112. Create a new project and save under the flight day processing/lidar/ directory. Make sure the "project" is in a projected coordinate system (e.g. UTM) and the "output" is a supported projection. There is a known bug when setting projection frames, and sometimes the program freezes - in this case need to wobble the reference frame window.
    12123. Create an instrument and open the sensor RES file and LCP file (located in the ~arsf/calibration tree). Make sure to use the version 4.5 (or allow it to convert from 4.4 to 4.5)
    13134. Add a mission to the project. This takes the post-processed SBET from PosPac and SurveyRange (raw lidar) file. Note it's possible to create multiple missions per project. For trajectory select "is already processed". The digitiser type (if used) is IW4. Can use meterological data if available - this is an ASCII file with a time, temperature and air pressure. Usually do not use this. The Trajectory report tab within the mission shows details of the flightlines.
    14145. On the mission, there should be a selection of tabs, click the lidar lines tab which gives an overview of the lines. Select the area to process (use the +Polygon button), and then add the lines to the project (the >>> button followed by the tick). This should now have  a list of lines added on the left hand panel.
    15156. For refined processing we need to add a block (for the block adjustment). Before doing this, ensure any cross lines are selected as "cross" rather than "production" (in the lines section).
    16 7. Create the block. For production date select "production+sensor corrections"
     167. Create the block. For production data select "production+sensor corrections"
    17178. You can select which tasks to perform for each line and block in the respective sections and click Set Task. Also check the Set Options pop up too. Ensure that in Las Output the correct options are selected (e.g. with classification, use withheld bit and the LAS format). The tasks are fairly self-explanatory,
    1818* planar surfaces extraction -> extracts planes based on the options given in the preferences
    26269. Can run lines individually or grouped together.
    28 Note las files with "_r.las" are refined and "_s.las" are standard.
     28Note las files with "_r.las" are refined and "_s.las" are standard. These will be in the Output directory. The adjusted LCP file will be in LcpAdjusted (or similar) directory.
    3030== Boresight processing ==
    3636For the QC-ing the main 3 things to check are:
    37 * tie planes - should be less than 5cm. Also check the scatter plots (click analyze). They should be narrow (<5cm) and straight (horizontal). Curved ones suggest a poor scanner polynomial and slanted suggests poor boresight. It is possible to analyze in 3D to see where the tie planes are wrt other points.
     37* tie planes - RMS should be less than 5cm. Also check the scatter plots (click analyze). They should be narrow (<5cm) and straight (horizontal). Curved ones suggest a poor scanner polynomial and slanted suggests poor boresight. It is possible to analyze in 3D to see where the tie planes are wrt other points.
    3838* roof lines - use this for horizontal accuracy checks. The RMS should be less than (altitude above ground / 10000).
    3939* height difference maps - in the output directory there is a PNG for the adjusted height difference. Check that it looks good (<5cm differences in the flat areas and across the images, trees etc will have higher).