Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of Processing/OptechGalaxy2000Procedure

Aug 13, 2024, 11:19:51 AM (5 weeks ago)



  • Processing/OptechGalaxy2000Procedure

    v6 v7  
    3131* Create a new project and save under the flight day processing/lidar/ directory. Make sure the "project" is in a projected coordinate system (e.g. UTM) and the "output" is a supported projection. There is a known bug when setting projection frames, and sometimes the program freezes - in this case need to wobble the reference frame window.
    33 * Create an instrument and open the sensor RES file and LCP file (located in the ~arsf/calibration tree). Make sure to use the version 4.5 (or allow it to convert from 4.4 to 4.5)
     33* Create an instrument and open the sensor RES file and LCP file (located in the ~arsf/calibration tree). Make sure to use the version 4.5 (or allow it to convert from 4.4 to 4.5). We currently have copies of these files on the VM at `C:\optech_lidar_sensor_files\`:
     34 * `*.RES`
     35 * `*.LCP`
     36 * `*.TBL`
    3538* Add a mission to the project. This takes the post-processed SBET from PosPac and SurveyRange (raw lidar) file. Note, not only is the SBET file needed from PosPac, but the "smrmsg_xxx.out" file, which should be in mission/Extract within the project files. Note it's possible to create multiple missions per project. For trajectory select "is already processed". The digitiser type (if used) is IW4. Can use meterological data if available - this is an ASCII file with a time, temperature and air pressure. Usually do not use this. The Trajectory report tab within the mission shows details of the flightlines.