Version 5 (modified by benj, 15 years ago) (diff) |
Converting Raw GPS Base Station Data to RINEX
These instructions currently only cover converting Trimble GPS data to RINEX, though teqc can convert other formats.
Note: You are advised to take a backup before doing all this - these utilities will cheerfully overwrite your source files with garbage if misused.
Converting raw Trimble data (*.T00) to Trimble DAT format
- Check you have runpkr00 installed (
- For each raw GPS file (*.T00), run runpkr00 -dveai <filename>
- This should generate three or four files per input file - .dat (GPS observations), .eph (GPS ephemeris), .ion (Ionosphere information?) and possibly .app (?).
Converting Trimble DAT format to RINEX
- Check you have teqc ( Note this doesn't install, it's just an executable that should be in the path somewhere.
- Check which Julian day your GPS observations were collected on.
- for each .dat file created above, ensure the other files are in the same directory and run teqc -week YYYY:JJJ -tr d +nav <output_filename>.YYn <dat_filename> > output_filename.YYo
- In that command, YYYY is a 4-digit year, JJJ is the julian day on which the GPS observations start, YY is a two-digit year.
- Note: If you forget to give the nav filename (*.YYn) and just give the input DAT file, that command will overwrite your input file with garbage. Don't forget the nav file.
- This should generate RINEX files that can be read by Grafnav/Grafnet as normal.
- Teqc can do quite a lot (more than just format conversion). Usage info/instructions (comprehensive but somewhat opaque) are at
- If you have several sequential RINEX files for the same site, they can be joined together using teqc:
- teqc <rinex_file_1> <rinex_file_2> ... > <joint_rinex_file>
- More info/instructions at
Attachments (1)
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added by benj 15 years ago.
Python script to extract the date from a Trimble raw GPS filename
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