Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of Processing/aplguiquickstart

Feb 8, 2012, 6:24:45 PM (13 years ago)



  • Processing/aplguiquickstart

    v7 v8  
    3434== Creating an IGM file ==
    36 The first of three panels of AplGUI is used for creating level-3 IGM files from level-1 BIL files using aplcorr package. Simply click the //Browse// button next to //Level-1 BIL file// and select the file you wish to process from the list. Once this file has been selected you can press //Auto// button to automatically populate other fields on the panel with relevant entries.
     36The first of the three panels of AplGUI is used for creating level-3 IGM files from level-1 BIL files using aplcorr package. Simply click the //Browse// button next to //Level-1 BIL file// and select the file you wish to process from the list. Once this file has been selected you can press //Auto// button to automatically populate other fields on the panel with relevant entries.
    3838Next click on //Save As// button next to //Output IGM File// and specify the name of the file that is about to be produced. Finally click the //Run// button at the bottom to start the processing. A dialog with progress bar will now pop up and the information about the processing will be displayed in the text box on the panel.
    60 Click the //Browse// button next to //Input IGM file// to select the file or just copy and paste the path from //Output IGM file// on the previous panel. Next select desired output projection and output file name and press //Run// at the bottom again. Your transformed file should be ready within seconds.
     60Click the //Browse// button next to //Input IGM file// to select the file or just copy and paste the path from //Output IGM file// on the previous panel. Now select desired output projection and output file name, and press //Run// at the bottom again. Your transformed file will be ready within seconds.
    6262== Gridding and Mapping the Data ==
    73 First select an IGM file produced with either first or the second panel of AplGUI, depending on the projection. Then select the corresponding level-1 file. Finally specify the name for the mapped output file. You will also have to select the bands to be mapped and the pixel size in relevant units, again based on the projection used. Optionally you can adjust some of the advanced settings, like output data type interpolation method or specify a particular are to be mapped.
     73First select an IGM file produced with either first or the second panel of AplGUI, depending on the projection. Then select the corresponding level-1 file. Finally specify the name for the mapped output file. You will also have to select the bands to be mapped and the pixel size in relevant units, again based on the projection used. Optionally you can adjust some of the advanced settings, like output data type and interpolation method, or specify a particular area to be mapped.