| 4 | == apl == |
| 5 | '''Dark Frames'''[[BR]] |
| 6 | If there are missing dark frames for a line extract some from another file. To find a matching file look for a hdr file with matching: |
| 7 | * Bands |
| 8 | * Samples |
| 9 | * fps |
| 10 | * tint |
| 11 | If you cannot find a matching tint value this can be solved later, look for files from the same year and closest julian day possible. |
| 12 | |
| 13 | Then run: extract_dark_frames -i VNIR300-08-1.raw -o VNIR300-08-1-dark_frames.bil |
| 14 | |
| 15 | This will extract the dark frames to an output file that is then specified in the aplcal section of processing: cal_args_extra = -darkfile VNIR300-08-1-dark_frames.bil |
| 16 | |
| 17 | If the tint does not match then you need to scale the dark frames, this in done: dark_frame_scaling.py -i VNIR300-08-1-dark_frames.bil -t 10 |
| 18 | |
| 19 | This will scale the dark frames values so that the the tint matches the file with missing dark frames. |
| 20 | |
| 21 | == az == |