Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of Processing/proj_tidy

Oct 9, 2014, 4:10:14 PM (10 years ago)



  • Processing/proj_tidy

    v11 v12  
    3232check_unrecognised_files takes the list of all files in the flight, filters out any expected ones using the regex file, and prints the rest as "unrecognised files".
    34 The module that generates the suggested mv commands (which will be printed below) is one of the most complex and is located under ~arsf/usr/bin/proj_tidy/ This has to be kept manually updated to match the structure that ops supply to us. It's broken down into one section for each specific directory and is in the form: Check if directory exists -> Check if directory has contents -> Move contents to correct place -> rmdir the directory. It's best start from the lowest level and move upwards (e.g. do leica/ipas/raw/ then leica/ipas/ then leica/) so you're not moving anything you then want to deal with further down the script. It also does some other more complicated things to do with azgcorr style stuff - this was important when converting the projects from the pre-2011 style to the current style and making sure old and new things were kept separated, but is less important now.[[BR]]
    35 It actually looks more complicated than it is because I set it up so you could either execute the commands or just print them. In the end it was decided it was safer just to print them, so proj_tidy doesn't call this module with the 'ex' argument that is necessary to execute them. generates the suggested mv commands (which will be printed below) and is one of the most complex modules. It's designed to convert projects to the current structre from the one we get from Ops (and also historically, the pre-2011 file structures). This therefore has to be kept manually updated to match the structure that ops supply to us. It's broken down into one section for each specific directory and is in the form: Check if directory exists -> Check if directory has contents -> Move contents to correct place -> rmdir the directory. It's best start from the lowest level and move upwards (e.g. do leica/ipas/raw/ then leica/ipas/ then leica/) so you're not moving anything you then want to deal with further down the script. It also does some other more complicated things to do with azgcorr style stuff - this was important when converting the projects from the pre-2011 style to the current style and making sure old and new things were kept separated, but is not important now.[[BR]]
     35It actually looks more complicated than it is because I set it up so you could either execute the commands or just print them. In the end it was decided it was safer just to print them, so proj_tidy doesn't call this module with the 'ex' argument that is necessary to quietly execute them.
    3737At the very end, it prints suggested commands, which are intended to be checked then copy and pasted. These are the ones that are used when unpacking, which convert the project to the current format. The mkdir commands from the missing directories checker will be printed first, and then the mv commands. Don't try and copy and paste all at once because BASH doesn't like too many lines pasted straight into the terminal :P