Changes between Version 22 and Version 23 of Processing/proj_tidy

Dec 2, 2014, 3:51:37 PM (10 years ago)



  • Processing/proj_tidy

    v22 v23  
    5959  * This is done by checking if there are any .wls files in the hyperspectral sensor calibration directory (~arsf/calibration/<year>/<sensor>/) for that particular year. If it's there, it will count the number of lines in each file and add it to a Python list. It will then read in the header files and count the number of wavelengths in each one using the Python data_handler library. It will then check that the length of the header file is in the Python list of numbers of lines. If it's not, it will print a warning.
    6060* Some updates are needed to the regex files so it recognises some newer files
    61   * I believe these are up to date. The only things that will need adding are the owl delivery directories and any owl files that are required in the main project directory. The folder_structure library will also need to be updated to include the owl directories so that they are built when unpacking.
     61  * I believe these are up to date. ~~The only things that will need adding are the owl delivery directories and any owl files that are required in the main project directory. The folder_structure library will also need to be updated to include the owl directories so that they are built when unpacking.~~ Delivery libraries will need to be updated so that delivery structure is created when needed.
    6262  * Where proj_tidy checks that all the compulsory files are present, checking for mandatory Owl files needs to be added.
    6363* The use folder_structure to decide what dirs are missing is creating folders we don't need in flights, like eagle and hawk dirs when there is no data for those. Should either remove these from folder_structure or (better) integrate this bit with the part that determines if sensors are present so it doesn't create these if they're not needed. It also currently puts owl in hyperspectral/owl when it should be in thermal/owl.