Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of RCDPhotoProcessing/RCDPostProcessing

Jul 1, 2011, 12:03:01 PM (14 years ago)



  • RCDPhotoProcessing/RCDPostProcessing

    v6 v7  
     55Photographic data delivery ¶
     57Once the data has been processed, it needs to be put into a delivery directory. This is the final file structure in which it will be sent to the customer.
     58Delivery directory structure ¶
     64doc/ - contains data quality report and calibration certificate
     66eventfile/ - contains Image events file created from photo_renamer script
     68PROJCODE-YEARJDAY-SITENAME.kml - Google Earth file that shows photograph locations
     70photographs/ - contains processed and tagged tifs (named from 00001 onwards)
     72thumbnails/ - contains thumbnails of the tifs from photographs
     73Creating a delivery directory ¶
     75The quick way If you are lucky then you should just be able to run a script to do the stages of processing and it will auto create a delivery directory. The stages of the script involve creating the delivery structure, populating it with files, tagging and renaming the tif images, creating thumbnail images, creating a KML file and generating the Read_Me file.
     77The slow way Once the instructions on photo processing have been followed you should have a directory of processed, tagged tiffs which have been renamed as per the convention. Also, there should be a directory of thumbnail images of the processed tiffs. These should be moved over into the photographs and thumbnails directories respectively. The event file created from the renaming script should be copied into the eventfile directory. Use this event file to create a kml file in the delivery directory using -d <main_project_directory> -e <eventfile> > PROJ_CODE-YEARJDAY-SITENAME.kml
     79Run in the photograph directory to correct the misspelt 'sorte' tag.
     80To create a readme for the delivery: ¶
     81Latex PDF readme ¶
     83This is still largely untested and probably buggy
     85To create a PDF read me file for the delivery takes 3 stages.
     87    * Generate a config file containing the project information that will be used in the next stage. To do this, use the script with the -d option (giving the delivery directory) and "-r camera". See -h.
     88    * Check and edit the config file:
     89          o Any remarks about the photograph quality / missing items etc should be entered in the "data_quality_remarks" section as a sentence. To add new line characters enter '\\'
     90          o tagtype should be "full" if photos have been tagged with pos/att information or "min" if only tagged with project details. If both types are present in the delivery then use full and in the "data_quality_remarks" section add a sentence explaining which photos have been unable to be tagged with pos/att and why.
     91          o line_numbering should contain a space separated list of names/numbers identifying flight lines.
     92    * Create the LaTeX TeX file. This is editable in any text editor and can be manually edited to correct mistakes or insert new text. To create the TeX file use the script with the -f option, giving the location of the config file generated above.
     93    * Convert the TeX file into a PDF file. This is done using the command latex <TeXFile> and should create a file named Read_me-TODAYSDATE.pdf.
     95It is advisable to keep the TeX file somewhere safe until after the delivery has been checked in case some changes to the Read_me need to be made (the TeX file should not be part of the delivery).