Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of Sensors/LeicaLIDAR

Nov 21, 2013, 5:23:47 PM (11 years ago)



  • Sensors/LeicaLIDAR

    v12 v13  
    33The ARSF LiDAR system, for data collected in 2009 onwards, is a Leica ALS50-II. This includes a full waveform upgrade for 2010 onwards.
    5 The ALS50-II operates with a 8W class 4 laser with radiation at 1064 nm. It works by firing a pulse a 4ns or 9ns pulse and measuring the round trip time to when a reflection is detected. This is then converted into a distance. There are 2 banks of timing cards - each one with 4 cards. This means that it can measure up to 4 independent returns for each pulse (it only uses the 2nd bank of cards when operated at the higher pulse rate). A minimum time separation between two returns means the minimum distance between two returns must be at least 2.7m for them to be counted as independent.
     5The ALS50-II operates with a 8W class 4 laser with radiation at 1064 nm. It works by firing a 4ns or 9ns pulse and measuring the round trip time to when a reflection is detected. This is then converted into a distance. There are 2 banks of timing cards - each one with 4 cards. This means that it can measure up to 4 independent returns for each pulse (it only uses the 2nd bank of cards when operated at the higher pulse rate). A minimum time separation between two returns means the minimum distance between two returns must be at least 2.7m for them to be counted as independent.
    77== Specification summary ==