Version 1 (modified by trac, 17 years ago) (diff)


Wiki Page Names

Wiki page names are written using CamelCase. Within a wiki text, any word in CamelCase automatically becomes a hyperlink to the wiki page with that same name.

Page names must follow these rules:

  1. The name must consist of alphabetic characters only. No digits, spaces, punctuation, or underscores are allowed.
  2. A name must have at least two capital letters.
  3. The first character must be capitalized.
  4. Every capital letter must be followed by one or more lower-case letters.
  5. The use of slash ( / ) is permitted to create a hierarchy inside the wiki. (See SubWiki and ParentWiki macros in the MacroBazaar which provide a way to list all sub-entries and a link up the hierarchy respectively.)

If you want to create a wiki page that doesn't follow CamelCase rules you could use the following syntax:


This will be rendered as:


See also: WikiNewPage, WikiFormatting, TracWiki