Version 79 (modified by dac, 6 years ago) (diff)


NEODAAS Airborne Data Analysis Node wiki

Based at Plymouth Marine Laboratory and previously operating as the NERC Airborne Research Facility Data Analysis Node (NERC-ARF-DAN), we process and distribute data collected by the NERC suite of airborne instruments. These instruments were operated by British Antarctic Survey. Although NERC-ARF was not one of the facilities recommissioned by NERC the instruments are are still available for research, managed by NCEO, see Data processing capability and support for the archive of data previously processed is provided through us as part of NEODAAS

We provide radiometrically corrected hyperspectral data from the AISA Fenix instrument; thermal data from the AISA Owl; ground height information from the Leica ALS50-II; and digital photography. In addition, DEM data is supplied with deliveries.

We undertake regular calibration of the sensors and perform quality control on all processed data prior to delivery.

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