1 | Build number: 2010.01.18.1 |
2 | /users/rsg/arsf/usr/bin/../opt/lag/lag.out |
3 | /users/rsg/arsf/usr/bin/../opt/lag/lag.glade |
4 | Form is "lag <point skip number> <first file> [other files]..." |
5 | /data/larsenb1/scratch/arsf/workspace/GB07_07-2009_277_Inverclyde/leica/proc_laser/LDR091004_121017_1.LAS |
6 | There have been errors in loading. Please see the file /tmp/LAGloadingerrors.txt |
7 | failed to fit into any of the four child nodes, big problem |
8 | Please check to make sure your files exist and the paths are properly spelled. |
9 | |
10 | |