Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (412 - 414 of 432)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#9 mggr mggr fixed BSEQ dump produces incorrect ENVI header

azexhdf -h a195041b.hdf -BSe a195041b_test.raw

Should produce an envi .hdr for a bseq file (azexhdf help states:

  -B  fn      : convert image data to BIL binary file
  -BS fn      : convert image data to BSEQ binary file
  -Be fn      :
  -BSe fn     :
              :  B and BS may be followed by  e  to request an ENVI
              :  compatible header to be output with extension fn.hdr
              : For ENVI compatibility fn should be given as  fn.raw or fn.bil
              : fn  = output filename

Actual header file produced claims it's a BIL, not a BSEQ: arsf@pmpc889:~/support/20070515-GB06_05-195a-RachelGaulton<1040>cat a195041b_test.hdr

description = { File output by azexhdf }
file type = ENVI
interleave = bil
samples = 938
lines = 3802
bands = 11
header offset = 0
data type = 12
byte order = 0

Correcting the interleave line to read "bseq" results in a correct load into ENVI.

#20 anee mggr fixed CD covers and CD label

Need to create these (base on Ivana's if you can find them).

#121 benj benj fixed Azatm -cuo option seemingly not working

If you use the -cuo option in azatm to change the values it's supposed to set overflowed and underflowed pixels to, it doesn't seem to have an effect - always sets underflowed pixels to 0 (even if told to set them to ffff) and always says:

************* radcal underflow and overflow fill values changed ********
      under : 00000  = 0     over: 00000  = 0 azatm output, regardless of what values are entered for the under/overflow (tried with 0 fffe and ffff ffff).

Arose from testing on #115

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