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CASI line 6 has not been processed due to Segmentation fault. the massage appeared on the output file can be seen below

azexhdf  -- ver: 3.1.8 May 10 2007   (C) Azimuth Systems UK 1996, 2007

Input file: ./lev1/c144061b.hdf
processing level: 1B
Scanner type: CASI  image data item: CAimage

read hdf  bands: 48 pixels: 511 lines: 4923
Image (CAimage) : (pix) 511, (lines) 4923, (bands) 48 type 23
Output BIL file details...
 pixels per line: 511  start line: 0 lines: 4923  bits per pixel: 16
 bytes per line: 1022
 band(s): 1  to  48
line:      0
line:   1000
line:   2000
line:   3000
line:   4000
last line output: 4922
output file complete
./runc/ line 183:  4425 Segmentation fault      azgcorr ${V} -hs ${HGTOFF} ${PROJ} ${BANDL} -p ${PIXSIZE} ${PIXSIZE} -1 ${P_HDF1} -3 ${P_HDF3} ${DoDEM}

Carl has said he can do something about this, but we (Steve ;) ) probably need to make a formal emailed request. The main reason is to update the data processing pages so the contact details and software versions are correct.

Particular pages that need updating:

  • Contacts page
  • Data subpages
    • Processing schedule - remove? point to PML? PML to update?
    • Processing software - content fine, but azgcorr & azexhdf links out of date, move this somewhere else or ensure we know who to tell to update it?
    • FTP site - instructions fine, contact needs updating (to who?), FTP site may need maintaining by someone (Amer can do this?)
  • Operations
    • flowchart - might need an update, but not important
    • flying schedule - this is for 2005, remove?

Casi Line one has got a problem error message is : line 164: 19567 Floating point exceptionazcaschk2 ${V} -fn 2 -fA -s -t ${SYTOFF} ${CSYNC} -gNOVA -h ${P_HDF1} -f ${P_SCA}

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.