Custom Query (432 matches)


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This ticket is to describe the task of acquiring the 2007 boresight calibration.

There are two periods:

  • start of year -> day 130 (ATM, Eagle, Hawk)
  • (solas dust campaign, using atmospheric instruments)
  • day 166 -> end of year (ATM, CASI, Eagle, Hawk)

This ticket has been created after the fact, so the dates are going to be wrong.

See also: Processing/BoresightCalibration


Arrange for 2006 datasets to be archived at NEODC.

So far, discussed with Victoria the general requirements (no funny characters) and overall structure.

Now we need to check what Victoria has (I have a listing) vs. what we have vs. what Kidlington has and coordinate all this.

Note that we don't handle the Eagle/Hawk currently - this is being done by Andrew.


As title - if aznav processes a line that starts or ends on a grid reference where one component starts with 0 (eg NZ 0429 9739 - Harwood line 6 end), on display it omits the initial zero and displays a three-digit number instead of a four-digit number (eg NZ 429 9739). This can be confusing, though it appears to process correctly.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.