Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (307 - 309 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#667 duplicate SwathS, flight day 200/2021, Alconbury (Boresight) dac dac

Data location: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2021/flight_data/SwathS-2021_200_Alconbury_boresight

Data arrived from Kings College London via FTP on July 20th 2021

Scientific objective: Joint NASA and ESA campaign flying JPL’s HyTES thermal instrument over sites in Europe with a focus on crops and soil.

PI: Martin Wooster

#297 fixed no fence causes crash on second load attempt emca chrfi

Build number: 2010.01.18.1 system : pmpc974

to reproduce, start lag up with no arguments, go to file, open, select any las file and select the fence option, click add. the command line will print some errors, then click refresh with any file and fence on or off. I expected to be warned i hadn't defined a fence on trying to load the first file and expected it to correctly load a file subsequently with the fence option off, instead it crashes and generates a bug report

#298 fixed using fence causes flight line colours to change chrfi chrfi

build number : 2010.01.18.1 system : pmpc974

to reproduce, open a selection of files (tested with 2, 3, 4, and 5 files) with fence unticked and any number of skipped points. Then click fence and select and area of the lines, click file, open and then check the fence box and click refresh. the expected result is to see the fenced area of the lines appear identically to when they were displayed as part of the overall lines. However the fenced lines display with different flight line colours.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.