Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (31 - 33 of 432)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#222 fixed Azsite segfaults if critical items are blank benj benj

If some of the usual entries we make in the MI data group (MIdate, MIfltno, etc) are left as blank strings, Azsite segfaults. If it's missing something critical ideally it should produce an error message and exit cleanly (since at the moment it doesn't tell you why it's segfaulted).

#287 fixed Azspec adds extra blank lines to the end of some level 1 files benj benj

Some Eagle and Hawk lines, when processed through azspec, acquire extra blank lines on the end of the level 1 file. Header dimensions are correct for the file as expected (not as it actually is) and ENVI just silently truncates what it's displaying, so this hasn't been noticed before. Became noticeable using fastQC for delivery checking. The actual data values for the data in the file are unaffected (values are very similar to those obtained through CaliGeo).

Fixed promptly by Bill when reported, working from azspec.1.2.10. Raising (and closing) this ticket purely for tracking purposes. Use (attached) to chop blank lines off the end of affected level 1 BIL files.

#37 fixed azspec filepaths too short benj mggr

The array allocated for the calibration file paths is too short (60 chars). Workaround: symlink calibration to get a shorter path.

Report to Bill post-Iceland.

Long path (fail)

arsf@pmpc974:~/scratch_space/2007/boresight-2007_166<1152>azspec -1 lev1/e166011a.hdf -s eagle/VNIRse2007166.1-1 -scr ~/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/ -sch ~/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/SN100022_130207_XB.hdrXXXX -scc ~/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/SN100022_130207_XB.cfg -sc  ~/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/SN100022_130207_XB
azspec  -- ver: 1.1.2 May 16 2007   (C) Azimuth Systems UK 2005, 2007

Raw file header: eagle/VNIRse2007166.1-1.hdr
Raw file       : eagle/VNIRse2007166.1-1.raw
Darks frames at end of image file, 43 frames starting at: 3211
Image lines corrected from: 3253  to 3210
Optics from basic details and binning port fov: 16.163  full fov: 34.722 corr oa: 256.00 scpixels: 477
image file frame count  start: 16365  end: 19574  total lines: 3209 file lines: 3210

Dark frames at end of raw file: 43  darks to be used: 50
** dark frame: 1 not used - averages this: 55.25 previous: 485.13
Radcal file header: /users/rsg/arsf/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/SN100022_13020
Radcal file       : /users/rsg/arsf/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/SN100022_13020
Config file       : /users/rsg/arsf/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/SN100022_13020�

** unable to open ENVI header file: /users/rsg/arsf/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/SN100022_13020
Calibration file do not match to data. Processing interrupted

Using HDF file: lev1/e166011a.hdf
   scan sync start time(s) from NAV: 3 
HDFStart  fov: 34.7 fovp: 16.2 scpixels: 477

New BIL  bands: 63 pix: 477 lines: 3209
   HDF image data: CAimage  bands: 63 pixels: 477 lines: 3209
   FODIS (ILS) bands: 63 pixels: 1 lines: 3209


Short path (ok)

arsf@pmpc974:~/scratch_space/2007/boresight-2007_166<1154>azspec -1 lev1/e166011a.hdf -s eagle/VNIRse2007166.1-1 -sc calibration/eagle/SN100022_130207_XB
azspec  -- ver: 1.1.2 May 16 2007   (C) Azimuth Systems UK 2005, 2007

Raw file header: eagle/VNIRse2007166.1-1.hdr
Raw file       : eagle/VNIRse2007166.1-1.raw
Darks frames at end of image file, 43 frames starting at: 3211
Image lines corrected from: 3253  to 3210
Optics from basic details and binning port fov: 16.163  full fov: 34.722 corr oa: 256.00 scpixels: 477
image file frame count  start: 16365  end: 19574  total lines: 3209 file lines: 3210

Dark frames at end of raw file: 43  darks to be used: 50
** dark frame: 1 not used - averages this: 55.25 previous: 485.13
Radcal file header: calibration/eagle/SN100022_130207_XB.hdr
Radcal file       : calibration/eagle/
Config file       : calibration/eagle/SN100022_130207_XB.cfg

Using HDF file: lev1/e166011a.hdf
   scan sync start time(s) from NAV: 3 
HDFStart  fov: 34.7 fovp: 16.2 scpixels: 477

New BIL  bands: 63 pix: 477 lines: 3209
   HDF image data: CAimage  bands: 63 pixels: 477 lines: 3209
   FODIS (ILS) bands: 63 pixels: 1 lines: 3209
SpecNavProc gotsync: 1  synclater: 1

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