Custom Query (432 matches)
Results (346 - 348 of 432)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#37 | fixed | azspec filepaths too short | benj | mggr |
Description |
The array allocated for the calibration file paths is too short (60 chars). Workaround: symlink calibration to get a shorter path. Report to Bill post-Iceland. Long path (fail)arsf@pmpc974:~/scratch_space/2007/boresight-2007_166<1152>azspec -1 lev1/e166011a.hdf -s eagle/VNIRse2007166.1-1 -scr ~/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/ -sch ~/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/SN100022_130207_XB.hdrXXXX -scc ~/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/SN100022_130207_XB.cfg -sc ~/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/SN100022_130207_XB --------------------------------------------------------------------------- azspec -- ver: 1.1.2 May 16 2007 (C) Azimuth Systems UK 2005, 2007 Raw file header: eagle/VNIRse2007166.1-1.hdr Raw file : eagle/VNIRse2007166.1-1.raw Darks frames at end of image file, 43 frames starting at: 3211 Image lines corrected from: 3253 to 3210 Optics from basic details and binning port fov: 16.163 full fov: 34.722 corr oa: 256.00 scpixels: 477 image file frame count start: 16365 end: 19574 total lines: 3209 file lines: 3210 Dark frames at end of raw file: 43 darks to be used: 50 ** dark frame: 1 not used - averages this: 55.25 previous: 485.13 Radcal file header: /users/rsg/arsf/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/SN100022_13020 Radcal file : /users/rsg/arsf/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/SN100022_13020 Config file : /users/rsg/arsf/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/SN100022_13020� ** unable to open ENVI header file: /users/rsg/arsf/calibration/2007/specim/eagle/SN100022_13020 Calibration file do not match to data. Processing interrupted Using HDF file: lev1/e166011a.hdf scan sync start time(s) from NAV: 3 HDFStart fov: 34.7 fovp: 16.2 scpixels: 477 New BIL bands: 63 pix: 477 lines: 3209 HDF image data: CAimage bands: 63 pixels: 477 lines: 3209 FODIS (ILS) bands: 63 pixels: 1 lines: 3209 (aborted) Short path (ok)arsf@pmpc974:~/scratch_space/2007/boresight-2007_166<1154>azspec -1 lev1/e166011a.hdf -s eagle/VNIRse2007166.1-1 -sc calibration/eagle/SN100022_130207_XB --------------------------------------------------------------------------- azspec -- ver: 1.1.2 May 16 2007 (C) Azimuth Systems UK 2005, 2007 Raw file header: eagle/VNIRse2007166.1-1.hdr Raw file : eagle/VNIRse2007166.1-1.raw Darks frames at end of image file, 43 frames starting at: 3211 Image lines corrected from: 3253 to 3210 Optics from basic details and binning port fov: 16.163 full fov: 34.722 corr oa: 256.00 scpixels: 477 image file frame count start: 16365 end: 19574 total lines: 3209 file lines: 3210 Dark frames at end of raw file: 43 darks to be used: 50 ** dark frame: 1 not used - averages this: 55.25 previous: 485.13 Radcal file header: calibration/eagle/SN100022_130207_XB.hdr Radcal file : calibration/eagle/ Config file : calibration/eagle/SN100022_130207_XB.cfg Using HDF file: lev1/e166011a.hdf scan sync start time(s) from NAV: 3 HDFStart fov: 34.7 fovp: 16.2 scpixels: 477 New BIL bands: 63 pix: 477 lines: 3209 HDF image data: CAimage bands: 63 pixels: 477 lines: 3209 FODIS (ILS) bands: 63 pixels: 1 lines: 3209 SpecNavProc gotsync: 1 synclater: 1 ... |
#38 | fixed | Support: 16/July/2007, Richard Teeuw (+Chris Hecker), WM | mggr | mggr |
Description |
Richard contacted Gary with a query regarding azgcorr versions (expired again). Noted website was out of date too. |
#39 | fixed | Acquire 2007 radiometric calibration | mggr | mggr |
Description |
This has been an ongoing task since around April. |
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