Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (37 - 39 of 432)

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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#203 fixed Support: 8/Dec/2008, Turkia Almoustafa, GB08/03 mggr mggr

Turkia having problems with azexhdf dumping core, attached file indicated it was the too-many-bands-to-a-GeoTIFF problem.

#204 fixed Support: 8/Dec/2008, Abdulwasey Mohammed, GB06/07 mggr mggr

Initial contact from Abdulwasey, who was having problems processing atmospheric corrected versions of his data.

Project is GB06-07_241a_Silverflowe (Eagle, Hawk, ATM, though he may not be using Hawk?). See ticket #63 for processing/delivery info.

#201 fixed Support: 5/Nov/2008, Li Zhang, no code (old data) mggr mggr

Contacted by Dr Li (Lily) Zhang re: some CASI data from '97 and various issues:

  • azgcorr version
  • use of azgcorr parameters
  • necessity of DEM with low altitude differences (20-30m, max 70m)
  • ENVI + HDF loading, finding the geolocation
  • Using GCPs?

Also attempting to fix remaining timing errors in the dataset Lily's using (GB97/14).

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