Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (427 - 429 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#16 fixed 157-wm06-09, Sinard, 6.6.2006 anee amro

This project was flown at night ( thermal) and has no raw data at all. Daphne and all ARSF PCs were searched for any data for this project but no trace was found. In the last meeting Carl said he will find out whether they have it on tape or somewhere else.

(see below for the discovery of this dataset)

#4 fixed 154 wm06-04-Madrid-3/6/2006 amro amro

Casi line 1 have alot of chequers and nav problems as in below image. project 154 is ready for delivery -:)

#18 fixed 144-wm06-13- Rio Tinto 24.6.2006 amro amro

Casi Line one has got a problem error message is : line 164: 19567 Floating point exceptionazcaschk2 ${V} -fn 2 -fA -s -t ${SYTOFF} ${CSYNC} -gNOVA -h ${P_HDF1} -f ${P_SCA}

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.