Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (430 - 432 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#649 fixed CA18/208, flight day 223b/2018, Ontario, Canada dac

Data location: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2018/flight_data/canada/CA18_207-2018_223b_Ontario

Data arrived from NERC-ARF via hard driver on 12/09/2018

Scientific objective: Canadian Wildfire Observations with SLSTR & Aircraft: Directional Effects of Thermally Emitted Radiation & Exploration of Flaming/Smouldering Partitioning and Plume Trace Gas Emission Ratios. Fenix and Owl data are being processed to aid geocorrection of other thermal sensors flown on the aircraft.

PI: Martin Wooster

BAS Project Code: D207

  • Missing navigation synchronisation data
  • Framerate not recorded correctly
  • Missing log files for Fenix
  • Navigation data (.sol format) and level1b (unmapped) data to be delivered first. The level1b data will be used to determine which lines map.


  • Fenix (requested, flown)
  • Owl (requested, flown)
#650 fixed Fenix Calibration, end of season, october 2018 asm

This ticket records calibration of the Fenix sensor for the final season. As a memento, the Fenix sensor was repaired by Specim in February 2018 and the detector array was replaced with a new one so timeline comparisons should not be made with calibrations made before 2018

Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2018/misc/calibration_october/original_data

#667 duplicate SwathS, flight day 200/2021, Alconbury (Boresight) dac dac

Data location: /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2021/flight_data/SwathS-2021_200_Alconbury_boresight

Data arrived from Kings College London via FTP on July 20th 2021

Scientific objective: Joint NASA and ESA campaign flying JPL’s HyTES thermal instrument over sites in Europe with a focus on crops and soil.

PI: Martin Wooster

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.