Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#74 fixed Support: 16/Oct/2007, Rachel Gaulton/Tim Malthus, GB06/05 benj mggr

Rachel contacted us with a problem relating to radiometric calibration.

I'm not sure who specifically is the best person to ask about this,
but I am having some problems with the AISA Eagle data recently
delivered for my sites (Clocaenog and Glasfynydd, acquired July 06).
The radiance values differ considerably to those of the CASI and ATM
data acquired at the same time, specifically they are much lower
(about 1/2 to 2/3) in the Eagle data (see attached spectra of a paved
area in Glasfynydd for an example).  Following attempts at atmospheric
correction, this results in significantly lower reflectance than is
expected based on ground spectra.  I  may be missing something obvious
(e.g. different units), or is this down to errors in the radiometric
calibration of the Eagle sensor?
#75 fixed Acquire 2008 radiometric calibration mggr mggr

We need copies of the ATM, CASI, Eagle and Hawk calibration files as soon as possible in the year.

The expectation is that Chris MacLellan of FSF is going to calibrate the CASI (and Specim?) early Dec 2007.

#76 fixed Arrange availability of NextMap DEMs for 2008 data distribution mggr mggr

Arrange this with Victoria @ NEODC. Probably all that needs doing is ensuring that PIs are signed up for NextMap at NEODC. Verify this is the case and that it's ok to distribute DEMs to them then.

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