Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#87 fixed Aznav omits initial 0 on grid references starting with 0 benj benj

As title - if aznav processes a line that starts or ends on a grid reference where one component starts with 0 (eg NZ 0429 9739 - Harwood line 6 end), on display it omits the initial zero and displays a three-digit number instead of a four-digit number (eg NZ 429 9739). This can be confusing, though it appears to process correctly.

#100 fixed Geotiff viewer crashes on loading ENVI-produced Geotiff anch benj

If you create a Geotiff using ENVI (for example of a DEM) and then try and load that Geotiff into the Geotiff viewer, the viewer crashes with no error message (just produces a Bugzilla window).

#105 invalid Hawk FODIS seems uncalibrated benj benj

Inspection of the FODIS output for Hawk (level 1b) suggests that it is uncalibrated (or otherwise incorrect). Spectrum generated (taken from Nigg Bay line 3) is:

(X-axis is band number for Hawk, not wavelength). Graph shape should match solar spectrum (see eg and doesn't.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.