Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#189 wontfix Black flecks in ATM data benj benj

Some (generally high-brightness) level 1 ATM data contains scattered black flecks (can be quite numerous). Most frequent in band 7, but do occur in other bands. Example screenshot (from EUCAARI day 136):

Looking at the raw data with qcdisplay, the flecks aren't present, but there are short horizontal white lines. These seem to be less numerous than the black flecks and may or may not be related. Example screenshot (same flight):

Probably not worth doing anything about, since ATM is dying and due for replacement. First noticed as part of #115

#194 fixed Azgcorr ENVI header issues (Support: Karl Hennermann, GB08/20) benj benj

Karl reports that if he geocorrects his data using azgcorr, any ENVI header file generated (either automatically because the file size went over the HDF limit, or manually using azexhdf -Be) reports the projection as UTM zone 30. I have duplicated the problem using one of the boresight flights, will contact Bill about it.

#198 fixed Southern hemisphere processing not working benj benj

Using the -mTMS flag in azgcorr to denote southern-hemisphere processing causes either a segfault or north-south inverted results. Have had a couple of potential fixes exchanged with Bill (not quite right yet though), raising this mostly to go with the work order.

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