Custom Query (432 matches)
Results (124 - 126 of 432)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#144 | wontfix | Incorporate EGM96 geoid code into azgcorr | mggr | mggr |
Description |
Incorporate EGM96 geoid code into azgcorr, eliminating the need for geoid-spheroid separation files (Bill estimates ~3 days effort) |
#145 | fixed | Wider scale geoid spheroid file needed | benj | mggr |
Description |
A geoid-spheroid file is required for processing with a DEM based on the geoid. For UK flights, we use osgb02.cgrf, which is a high accuracy description as recommended by the OS. The other files we have in ~arsf/dems/geoid-spheroid are: igg2005.grd (Portuguese grid?) and sphseplx.grd (European region). Both are apparently a 7.5min grid. To process Ethiopia (and IPY and other) data, using SRTM DEMs, we need a larger grid. This ticket is somewhat belated - the issue was raised during Bill's visit to PML in March, but pushed recently as we started to work on Ethiopia data. |
#146 | fixed | ET07/01, flight day 036, Rift_North | mggr | mark1 |
Description |
One of the Rift Valley flights that was aborted due to haze. See notes below though - some data recoverable. |