Custom Query (432 matches)
Results (130 - 132 of 432)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#73 | fixed | Specim sync errors | mggr | mggr |
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Many 2007 flight lines have problems with navigation sync (ie. they don't sync!). This appears to be due to missing sync messages in the .nav file, or a totally missing .nav file. A typical error looks like: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- azimport -- ver: 2.2.10 May 7 2007 (C) Azimuth Systems UK 1996, 2007 File template for Specim sync is: hawk/SWIRsh2007130#.nav Site time limits - day: 130 start: 94341 end: 94609 date: 10 05 2007 jday: 130 utc2gps: 14.0 NAV vgroup exists - updating Specim navigation sync details from image file header..... image lines: 2901 approximate sync time: 35021.46880 (gps SoD) frame inc: 0.05000 secs sensor: Hawk frame rate: 20.00 fps no. of frames to correct for: 3.00 sync time: 35021.5 is NOT on Applanix POSATT file: hawk/SWIRsh2007130a-1.nav start: 35182.8 end: 35403.5 sync time: 35021.5 is NOT on Applanix POSATT file: hawk/SWIRsh2007130a-2.nav start: 35421.1 end: 35565.1 sync time: 35021.5 is NOT on Applanix POSATT file: hawk/SWIRsh2007130a-3.nav start: 35752.3 end: 35869.1 sync time: 35021.5 is NOT on Applanix POSATT file: hawk/SWIRsh2007130a-4.nav start: 36085.1 end: 36243.4 ** NO Specim SYNC found after checking all files ** check file template and directory contents - no data saved A procedure to correct for this is outlined in the specim processing guide but appears only to apply to azspec 1.1.3. We have azspec 1.1.2. |
#75 | fixed | Acquire 2008 radiometric calibration | mggr | mggr |
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We need copies of the ATM, CASI, Eagle and Hawk calibration files as soon as possible in the year. The expectation is that Chris MacLellan of FSF is going to calibrate the CASI (and Specim?) early Dec 2007. |
#76 | fixed | Arrange availability of NextMap DEMs for 2008 data distribution | mggr | mggr |
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Arrange this with Victoria @ NEODC. Probably all that needs doing is ensuring that PIs are signed up for NextMap at NEODC. Verify this is the case and that it's ok to distribute DEMs to them then. |