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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#100 fixed Geotiff viewer crashes on loading ENVI-produced Geotiff anch benj

If you create a Geotiff using ENVI (for example of a DEM) and then try and load that Geotiff into the Geotiff viewer, the viewer crashes with no error message (just produces a Bugzilla window).

#386 fixed EM10/07, flight day 145b/2010, Trapani anch anch

Specific Scientific Objectives

  1. Development and validation of hyperspectral retrieval algorithms for biophysical parameter estimation in preparation for launch of PRISMA hyperspectral mission. These include;

Leaf area indexn (LAI m2/m2) Fraction of vegetation cover (Fc, %) Leaf chlorophyll concentration and canopy chlorophyll content.

  1. Test and validation of remote sensing techniques for qualifying water exchanges in the main tree crop species of the Med.


Data location: /users/rsg/arsf/workspace/EM10_07-2010_145a_Trapani

Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 08/06/2010

PI: Dr F. Vuolo


  • Eagle (16/02/2011)
  • Hawk (16/02/2011)
  • Leica LIDAR (04/01/12)
  • RCD Photography (Not requested)
#16 fixed 157-wm06-09, Sinard, 6.6.2006 anee amro

This project was flown at night ( thermal) and has no raw data at all. Daphne and all ARSF PCs were searched for any data for this project but no trace was found. In the last meeting Carl said he will find out whether they have it on tape or somewhere else.

(see below for the discovery of this dataset)

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