Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (13 - 15 of 432)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#39 fixed Acquire 2007 radiometric calibration mggr mggr

This has been an ongoing task since around April.

#75 fixed Acquire 2008 radiometric calibration mggr mggr

We need copies of the ATM, CASI, Eagle and Hawk calibration files as soon as possible in the year.

The expectation is that Chris MacLellan of FSF is going to calibrate the CASI (and Specim?) early Dec 2007.

#22 fixed Acquire Applanix software amro mggr

We have the USB dongles. Need to get hold of the Applanix software. Apparently this can be downloaded from their website, but we're missing a login & password. Amer has asked Carl/Dave for this. If we can't get it that way, we may need to contact Applanix (Nico = see internal contact details page).

Leaving for a bit to see if Amer gets a response from Dave/Carl.

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