Custom Query (432 matches)
Results (151 - 153 of 432)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#355 | fixed | EUFAR10/03 (A.NEW), flight day 197/2010,Lisbon | knpa | ella |
Description |
Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2010/flight_data/western_europe/EUFAR10_03-2010_197_Lisbon Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 2nd/08/2010. Scientific objectives: Objective 1.- Development of a reliable tool to estimate coastal water quality indicators by using remote sensing techniques, both airborne and satellite. 1.1. | Development of a set of semi-empirical algorithms based on hyper-spectral airborne and in-situ data for estimating the concentrations of the water constituents; 1.2. | Migration of the developed algorithms into the satellite workflow. Priority: a4h PI: Jose da Silva Sensors:
#354 | fixed | Hawk 2010 spectral calibration shifted | mggr | mggr |
Description |
On examination, the Hawk spectral calibration appears to have shifted between 2009 and 2010. However, when processing using the new, shifted calibration, we see absorption features misplaced by the same amount as the shift. This implies the spectral calibration is incorrect. |
#351 | fixed | EUFAR10/02 (AIRES-CZM), 200/2010, Santander | knpa | jb362 |
Description |
Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2010/flight_data/western_europe/EUFAR10_02-2010_200_Santander Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 26/07/2010. Scientific objectives: 1 Development of a reliable tool to estimate coastal water quality indicators by using remote sensing techniques, both airborne and satellite. 1.1. Development of a set of semi-empirical algorithms based on hyperspectral airborne and in-situ data for estimating the concentrations of the water constituents; 1.2. Migration of the developed algorithms into the satellite workflow.
Priority: a4m - awaiting confirmation PI: Castillo-Lopez Sensors: ¶