Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (187 - 189 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#304 duplicate File appears black when opened harg benj

If you open /users/rsg/arsf/arsf_data/2009/flight_data/uk/UR09_01-2009_327_Flood_Cumbria/delivery/20100107/UR09_01/ascii_laser/LDR-UR09_01-200932701.txt in LAG, it doesn't produce an error but comes up blank. If you alter the point size it then comes back, but is apparently not the same problem as what happens if there's a point a long wway out of bounds.

#303 fixed ASCII file reading default format code needed harg benj

It would be nice if the file > open dialog had the format code to match our ASCII files by default. Specifically: " txyzicr#"

Also the description of the format code needs to be made clearer.

#302 fixed when zooming on overview and profile pixels jiggle harg chrfi

Build number: 2010.01.18.1 system : pmpc974

to reproduce, run LAG with no arguments and click file, open, select any LAS file and load it. now when zooming in and out of a set spot the pixels will appear to jiggle, they are moving position with each zoom increment with relation to each other.the expected result is that the pixels expand outwards but don't move relativly.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.