Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (274 - 276 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#354 fixed Hawk 2010 spectral calibration shifted mggr mggr

On examination, the Hawk spectral calibration appears to have shifted between 2009 and 2010. However, when processing using the new, shifted calibration, we see absorption features misplaced by the same amount as the shift.

This implies the spectral calibration is incorrect.

#256 fixed Hawk contains dark stripes benj benj

Hawk imagery since the start of 2009 contain dark stripes running along-track. Initially there was just one stripe but following the instrument's return to Specim in April there has been a number.

#106 invalid Hawk data very noisy in some bands benj benj

Some Hawk bands are noisy to the point of uselessness. For example band 71 (1403nm), raw data from Nigg Bay line 3 (attached)

Also see over-water spectrum produced in level 3 image:

Hawk 8-pixel average spectrum over water in Nigg Bay

Spectrum cannot really be used for anything much - there is no means of quality controlling the data

Data issue occurs over more than one flight, possibly there are sensor problems with some Hawk bands. See eg. Latera band 71, similar to Nigg Bay:

Hawk band 71 (line 1) raw data from Latera

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