Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (292 - 294 of 432)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#369 fixed EUFAR10/01 (AIMWETLAB), flight day 234e/2010, Lake Balaton Peninsula knpa iopa

Data location: ~arsf/workspace/EUFAR10_01-2010_234e_Lake_Balaton_Peninsula

Data arrived from ARSF via SATA disk Q on 15/09/2010.

Scientific objective: Mapping of species composition and stand health of shore vegetation, mapping of shore elevation and inundation structure.

This flight will also be used for EUFAR10-07. Scientific Objective: High accuracy land use/land cover mapping, forest type mapping and invasive shrub species location

Priority: a4h

PI: Andras Zlinszky

Note: Data is currently symlinked from ~arsf/arsf_data/2010/flight_data/archive_overflow and when this is resolved the symlinks will need to be re-directed.


  • Eagle (04/03/2011)
  • Hawk (04/03/2011)
  • Leica LiDAR (04/03/2011)
  • Digital Photography (04/03/2011)
#370 fixed EU10/03, flight day 233a/2010, Lake Balaton East Area D emca knpa

Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2010/flight_data/archive-overflow/EU10_03-2010_233a_Lake_Balaton_East_Area_D

Data arrived from ARSF via SATA disk Q on 15/09/10.

Scientific objective: Lake Balaton provides an ideal area for testing emerging algorithms on retrieval of in-water constituents and on mapping bloom-forming cyanobacteria using in-situ radiometric, airborne and satellite data.

Priority: a5 *note: lidar is low priority for this project*

PI: A. Tyler


  • Eagle (20/10/2010)
  • Hawk (28/01/2011)
  • Leica LIDAR (Requested but low priority)
  • RCD (20/10/2010)
#371 fixed EUFAR10/01 (AIMWETLAB), flight day 238b/2010, Lake Balaton Peninsula knpa iopa

Data location: ~arsf/workspace/EU10_03-2010_238b_Lake_Balaton_Peninsula

Data arrived from ARSF via SATA disk Q on 15/09/2010.

Scientific objective: Mapping of species composition and stand health of shore vegetation, mapping of shore elevation and inundation structure.

This flight will also be used for EUFAR10-07. Scientific Objective: High accuracy land use/land cover mapping, forest type mapping and invasive shrub species location

Priority: a4h

PI: A. Zlinszky

Note: Data is currently symlinked from ~arsf/arsf_data/2010/flight_data/archive_overflow and when this is resolved the symlinks will need to be re-directed.


  • Eagle (19/05/2011)
  • Hawk (19/05/2011)
  • Leica LiDAR (04/03/2011)
  • Digital Photography (04/03/2011)
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.