Custom Query (11 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#45 Import flight schedule info into wiki mggr task alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Metadata
#15 GB05-13, 180, Plymouth, 29.06.2006 amro flight processing immediate 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#17 184-GB06-09, Isle of Wight, 3/7/2006 mggr flight processing immediate 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#40 IPY2007/01 gaew flight collection alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Data collection
#41 IPY2007/04 part A gaew flight collection alpha 4 high 2007 data processing completion Data collection
#112 Add BigTIFF support to azexhdf mggr enhancement alpha 4 medium The Glorious Future az* programs
#144 Incorporate EGM96 geoid code into azgcorr mggr enhancement alpha 4 medium The Glorious Future az* programs
#31 qcdisplay 437 segfault on raw ATM data mggr bug alpha 4 high qcdisplay
#43 Point cloud conversion in azgcorr mggr bug alpha 4 high azgcorr
#116 azgcorr seg fault mggr bug alpha 4 medium az* programs
#189 Black flecks in ATM data benj bug alpha 4 medium Processing: general
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