Opened 17 years ago
Closed 16 years ago
#176 closed flight processing (fixed)
NL08/01, flight day 136/2008, Eucaari
Reported by: | mggr | Owned by: | mggr |
Priority: | alpha 5 | Milestone: | 2008 data processing completion |
Component: | Processing: general | Keywords: | |
Cc: | Other processors: |
Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/in_progress/2008/flight_data/other/NL08_01-2008_136_Eucaari
Data arrived from ARSF via SATA disk N, 2/July/2008
Scientific details: see ~arsf/arsf_data/in_progress/2008/ARSF_Applications/GB_and_NL/NL08-01 - Science Case.pdf
PI: H. Coe
- Eagle
- Hawk
Change History (8)
comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by mggr
comment:2 Changed 17 years ago by mggr
- Priority changed from medium to high
comment:3 Changed 17 years ago by anee
- Owner set to anee
Need to chop line 9 in two. 1st part should contain geocorrected imagery and the 2nd fodis horizon data. Line 10 is not covered by any applanix data but the ATM's navigation may be able to be used here.
comment:4 Changed 17 years ago by anee
- Owner changed from anee to benj
delivery directory created at: /users/rsg/anee/scratch/NL08_01-2008_136_Eucaari/delivery/20080829/NL08-01
comment:5 Changed 17 years ago by mark1
Have checked files in lev1 delivery: Eagle 6-10 and all Hawk files. They all look ok. Don't know what else is left to check so waiting for Ben to get back.
comment:6 Changed 17 years ago by benj
- Owner changed from benj to anee
Had previously checked the remainder of the delivery. Looks fine. Rsynced to ~arsf/arsf_data/2008/flight_data/other/NL08_01-2008_136_Eucaari/, ready for delivery.
comment:8 Changed 16 years ago by mggr
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from new to closed
Data sent to NEODC for archiving.
Thomas Ruhtz would like access to the raw files for this flight. He probably also needs the applanix processed up to level 1 HDFs (but hold onto the delivery until #168 overflow issues are sorted).