Opened 17 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#24 new task

Google Earth demo

Reported by: mggr Owned by: benj
Priority: whenever Milestone: The Glorious Future
Component: PML utilities Keywords:
Cc: anee, benj, gaew, sbg Other processors:

Description (last modified by mggr)

Short term (but low priority compared to data deliveries):

  • (anee) map some test image(s) in the projection above and attempt to insert into GE
  • (kidlington?) manually create GE file to cover intermediate period, if desired

Longer term (after June steering committee):

  • extend the status page code to allow extra info to be added, specifying:
    • collection information (new public page)
    • lat/long of site (allows pushpin on GE, info shouldn't be PI visible)
    • link to KML file for area (allows GE imagery overlays and all sorts of other lovely stuff)
  • assuming we have working overlays, write a small script that creates KML to do the overlays, plus any extra metadata, etc

Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by mggr

Two emails from Bill on the subject:

The attached archive contains two basic specim processing scripts that use the latest azspec. They will need editing for your paths etc.

As a doodle I have added Equidistant Cylindrical projection to azgcorr and azexhdf. For the projection option in the azgcorr line use:

-mEQ  0 0 0           the 3 zeros  are   lat_origin    long_origin   R

where R is essentially the earth radius to scale the coordinates to something like metres, otherwise the interpolation will not work as I have not reconciled the pixel size in metres with the coordinate units.; by default with all zeros you get the origin at Greenwich+equator and R is the semi-major of WGS84.  In the end these three paras may not be needed.

As you might expect a normal DEM must not be used.

This creates a geotiff viewable in imagemagick as I have nothing else to test it with and BT have band broadband here unless I pay for about a mile of new overhead wires!!  [or I get 2 way sat.] - so no Google Earth.

The geotiff paras will transfer the correct pixel sizes and scaling.... 
Ref my last email with the EquCyl addition to azgcorr; there is a mistake in the help listing;  The value of R in the -mEQ  lat lon R   must be something like the earth radius in metres, ie 6378137 for WGS84 and NOT = 1.0, otherwise the coordinate units will be decimal degrees which doesn't mix well with metres for pixel size.

If you can give me some feedback I can decide if its worth doing any more to it. 

comment:2 Changed 17 years ago by mggr

  • Cc anee benj gaew sbg added
  • Description modified (diff)

Following April08 meeting, updated description of ticket.

comment:3 Changed 17 years ago by mggr

  • Owner changed from mggr to anee

Handing ticket to anee for test images.

comment:4 Changed 16 years ago by anee

  • Owner changed from anee to benj
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