Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#275 closed flight processing (fixed)

GB08/06, flight day 280a/2009, Bleaklow

Reported by: mark1 Owned by: knpa
Priority: alpha 4 low Milestone: 2009 Data processing completion
Component: Archiving Keywords:
Cc: Other processors:

Description (last modified by mark1)

Data location: ~arsf/arsf_data/2009/flight_data/uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow

Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 7th October 2009.

Scientific objective: see ~/arsf/arsf_data/in_progress/2008/ARSF_Applications/GB_and_NL/GB08-06 Science Case.pdf

Priority: alpha-4-low

PI: J McMorrow


  • Eagle (08/06/2010)
  • Hawk (08/06/2010)
  • Leica LIDAR

Change History (19)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by mark1

Have renamed Hawk280* to SWIR280*

comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by mggr

Re: #281 (Hawk frame rates are double what they should be), the following lines are affected and the .hdr file will need to be edited to halve the fps number:

uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-10.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-11.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-12.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-13.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-14.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-15.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-16.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-17.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-18.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-19.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-1.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-20.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-21.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-22.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-23.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-24.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-25.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-26.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-2.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-3.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-4.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-5.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-6.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-7.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-8.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?
uk/GB08_06-2009_280a_Bleaklow/hawk/SWIR280a-09-9.hdr: predicted length half recorded length, frame rate doubling problem?

comment:3 Changed 15 years ago by mark1

IPAS data is for wrong project (seems to be for GB08/08 268b)

comment:4 Changed 15 years ago by mark1

  • Owner set to mark1
  • Status changed from new to accepted

comment:5 Changed 15 years ago by mark1

Have edited hawk hdr files for incorrect frame rate. No specim sync messages for Hawk data nor darkframes.

comment:6 Changed 15 years ago by mark1

Using dark frames from GB06_02 day 280b hawk line -2

comment:7 Changed 15 years ago by mark1

Edited logsheet to rename flight line 1 from cross2 to cross1

comment:8 Changed 15 years ago by mark1

delivery directory created for hyperspectral data located at

comment:9 Changed 15 years ago by mark1

Line number Eagle SCT Hawk SCT
-1 0.02 -4.92
-2 0.0 -5.38
-3 -0.02 -5.77
-4 0.01 -5.47
-5 0.02 -5.60
-6 0.0 -5.20
-7 0.03 -4.88
-8 0.01 -5.78
-9 0.03 -4.82
-10 0.01 -5.20
-11 -0.01 -5.90
-12 0.0 -5.37
-13 0.02 -6.00
-14 -0.02 -5.04
-15 -0.03 -5.76
-16 -0.04 -4.97
-17 0.01 -5.35
-18 0.0 -5.80
-19 0.04 -5.88
-20 0.05 -5.34
-21 -0.01 -5.34
-22 0.02 -5.90
-23 0.01 -6.20
-24 0.02 -5.37
-25 0.02 -5.82
-26 -0.02 -6.25

comment:10 Changed 15 years ago by chrfi

delivery checked

  • add explanation for apparent dropped frames near the end of all hawk lines

once acted upon ready for delivery

comment:11 Changed 15 years ago by mark1

  • Description modified (diff)

Hyperspectral data delivered to PI on 08/06/2010

comment:12 Changed 15 years ago by mark1

Data has been rsynced back to ~arsf repository 08/06/2010

comment:13 Changed 15 years ago by mark1

LIDAR data is unprocessable to good quality standards as the IPAS data is missing. Processing using the Applanix data is possible but results in roll/pitch errors in the data which do not appear to be correctable by changing the boresight values (variable errors along track).

comment:14 Changed 15 years ago by mark1

  • Component changed from Processing: general to Archiving

Ready for archiving.

comment:15 Changed 15 years ago by knpa

  • Owner changed from mark1 to knpa
  • Status changed from accepted to assigned

Beginning archiving.

comment:16 Changed 15 years ago by knpa

Finished preparing for archiving and have made available to NEODC for download.

comment:17 Changed 15 years ago by knpa

Backed up and archived by NEODC.

Have moved to archive disk.

comment:18 Changed 15 years ago by knpa

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from assigned to closed

Deleting workspace copy and closing ticket.

comment:19 Changed 8 years ago by asm


Re-processed hyperspectral data has been archived and everythin is ready to be downloaded from CEDA. Will close this ticket.

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