Opened 18 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#34 closed flight processing (fixed)

138-jitter ATM

Reported by: amro Owned by: sbg
Priority: alpha 4 high Milestone: 2006 data processing completion
Component: ARSF Keywords: jitter, 138
Cc: mggr Other processors:


The ATM lines have jitter of 2 pixels. attached screenshot shows that.
Steve needs to make decision about data delivery as it is ready to be burnt and shipped.

Attachments (2)

138-gps-0.05.png (796.3 KB) - added by amro 18 years ago.
a103093a.jpg (655.0 KB) - added by mggr 18 years ago.
Br Bill's 2007 ATM with ripple

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

Changed 18 years ago by amro

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by mggr

  • Cc mggr added
  • Owner changed from mggr to sbg

Re: 138, I'd recommend we deliver with a note on the jitter. Steve: could you have a look at the attached png from Amer and see if you agree?

Re: jitter, Br Bill also noted this in some of the new 2007 ATM data:

5. I have georeferenced 2 lines ( files 5 and 9 ), just using the raw AT4 data. The overall referencing is perfect, but there still is the same sync ripple of about 1-2 pixels, like some lines from last year.

It does vary in the image, down the line and it does not appear to be due to scan timing, the first differences of the scan timing is 80 msecs (2sig fig), ie it only varies below the msec level so it seems that it is not a sync timing problem.

It would be useful to see or acquire some 25 and 50 scan data ASAP to check if what we see in this data is just a function of scan rate and turbulence. 

So it's probably likely to come and bite us again..

Changed 18 years ago by mggr

Br Bill's 2007 ATM with ripple

comment:2 Changed 17 years ago by mggr

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Shipped with ripple and note - this is apparently a long term issue, but possibly recently solved by equipment relocation, possibly not..

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