#342 closed flight processing (fixed)
GB08/06, flight day 167/2010, Bleaklow
Reported by: | ella | Owned by: | knpa |
Priority: | alpha 4 low | Milestone: | 2010 data processing completion |
Component: | Archiving | Keywords: | |
Cc: | iopa@… | Other processors: | mark1, benj |
Description (last modified by emca)
Location of unpacked data: /users/rsg/arsf/workspace/GB08_06-2010_167_Bleaklow
Scientific purpose: Study of peatlands in the uplands of the Peak District National Park.
Scientific objectives: To evaluate the ability of SPECIM images to distinguish between moorland restoration treatments and provide new
knowledge on thresholds for estimating habitat condition for sparse vegetation growth on carbon-rich soils, building on work on hyperspectral remote sensing of bare peat.
Data arrived from ARSF via network transfer on 28th June 2010.
PI: Ms Julia McMorrow
- Eagle (18/08/10)
- Hawk (20/12/10)
- Leica LIDAR (18/08/10)
- RCD Digital photography (24/08/10)
Change History (52)
comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by ella
- Component changed from ARSF to Processing: general
comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by benj
- Summary changed from BG08/06, flight day 167/2010, Bleaklow to GB08/06, flight day 167/2010, Bleaklow
comment:3 Changed 15 years ago by benj
- Description modified (diff)
comment:4 Changed 15 years ago by ella
comment:5 Changed 15 years ago by ella
Applanix navigation processing done.
comment:6 Changed 15 years ago by ella
IPAS navigation processing is done.
comment:7 Changed 15 years ago by jb362
- Owner changed from mggr to jb362
- Status changed from new to assigned
Starting hyperspectral processing.
comment:8 Changed 15 years ago by jb362
North end of eagle flightline 8 will not line up with other flightlines.The 0.03 offset seems to be the best fit for the rest of the flightline.
comment:9 Changed 15 years ago by jb362
Playing around with the gpt offsets doesn't appear to sort out the above problem
comment:10 Changed 15 years ago by jb362
I think I may just cut off the top of flight line 8 off since changing the sct or gpt offests doesn't have any effect
comment:11 Changed 15 years ago by benj
No, you shouldn't ever cut data off the flightline. If it can't be rectified completely then put a comment to that effect in the readme prior to delivery, but the data itself is still fine even if not quite in the right place.
comment:12 Changed 15 years ago by jb362
OK will do.
SCT Offsets:
e1: 0.03
e2: 0.01
e3: 0.04
e4: 0.01
e5: 0.00
e6: 0.01
e7: -0.01
e8: 0.03
e9: 0.03
e10: 0.08
e11: 0.05
e12: -0.01
e13: 0.05
e14: 0.02
e15: 0.03
e16: 0.85
e17: 0.01
e18: -0.01
e19: 0.03
e20: 0.04
e21: 0.02
e22: 0.02
e23: 0.05
e24: 0.04
e25: -0.01
e26: 0.03
Sync error on flightline 16 accounts for very large offset
comment:13 Changed 15 years ago by mark1
OS vectors have arrived and have been unpacked to ~arsf/vectors/GB08_06-second
comment:14 Changed 15 years ago by jb362
Flight line e23 split into 4 parts:
Flight lines e11, e21, e22 had end of flight line cut off as these sections were out the target area and had large bends resulting in turn errors.
comment:15 Changed 15 years ago by jb362
Flight line e23 split into 4 parts:
comment:17 Changed 15 years ago by jb362
Hawk SCT offsets:
h1: 0.02
h2: 0.01
h3: 0.06
h4: 0.00
h5: 0.03
h6: 1.70
h7: 0.01
h8: 0.02
h9: 0.00
h10: 0.01
h11: 0.02
h12: -0.01
h13: 0.02
h14: 0.03
h15: 0.02
h16: 1.35
h17: 0.00
h18: 0.03
h19: 0.01
h20: 0.03
h21: 0.02
h22: 0.03
h23: 0.02
h24: 0.05
h25: 0.06
h26: 0.01
Sync errors on flight lines 16 & 6 account for very large offsets
comment:18 Changed 15 years ago by iopa
Missing .sup file from IPAS output, will re-process IPAS before proceeding to LIDAR.
comment:19 Changed 15 years ago by jb362
Hyperspectral processing complete and ready for delivery check
comment:20 Changed 15 years ago by anch
Delivery checking the hyperspectral data for this project now.
comment:21 Changed 15 years ago by jb362
Delivery check fixes complete
comment:22 Changed 15 years ago by jb362
Delivery checking LiDAR
comment:23 Changed 15 years ago by jb362
Check complete. Change "Ordance survey" to "Ordnance survey" in data quality remarks.
comment:24 Changed 15 years ago by iopa
Dispatched USB disk containing Eagle and LiDAR on the 19/08/2010.
PI and collaborators have been emailed.
Note: Collaborator 2 will be unavailable and would like any contact regarding remote sensing to be diverted to Stuart Masheder.
Hawk data will be delivered individually when calibration issue has been resolved.
comment:27 Changed 15 years ago by iopa
Following a request by the PI, first collaborator Aletta Bonn no longer works on the project.
In her stead, Jonathan Walker will act as first collaborator .
Also by request of the PI, Elizabeth Lowe should be CC'ed during any contact.(emails can be found in Internal Contact details page)
comment:29 Changed 14 years ago by jb362
Camera delivery check complete- everything looks good.
comment:30 Changed 14 years ago by iopa
- Description modified (diff)
comment:31 Changed 14 years ago by benj
- Other processors set to mark1, benj
Hawk delivery check complete, looks good, ready for delivery.
comment:32 Changed 14 years ago by benj
- Description modified (diff)
Hawk rsynced back to repository, delivery in post to PI
comment:33 Changed 14 years ago by benj
- Component changed from Processing: general to Archiving
- Owner changed from jb362 to knpa
comment:34 Changed 14 years ago by anch
Re-checking hawk level 1 files
comment:35 Changed 14 years ago by anch
Hawk re-checked and ready to deliver
comment:36 Changed 14 years ago by emca
- Description modified (diff)
Hawk data re-delivered 20/12/2010
comment:37 Changed 14 years ago by emca
Re-processed hawk data has been r-synced, project is ready for archiving.
comment:38 Changed 14 years ago by knpa
Beginning archiving.
comment:39 Changed 14 years ago by knpa
There is some full waveform lidar data in this project.
comment:40 Changed 14 years ago by knpa
There is tabi data for this project.
comment:41 Changed 14 years ago by knpa
This is webcam data for this project.
comment:42 Changed 14 years ago by knpa
Created Tarball and made available to NEODC.
comment:43 Changed 14 years ago by knpa
Archived and backed up by NEODC.
Moved to archived disk.
comment:44 Changed 14 years ago by knpa
- Milestone set to 2010 data processing completion
- Resolution set to fixed
- Status changed from assigned to closed
Deleting workspace version.
Closing ticket.
comment:45 Changed 13 years ago by adbe
Reprocessed eagle level1 files on 30/11/2011, corrected timing offset.
comment:46 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
Reprocessing HS with APL.
From the above it looks like adbe has done the Eagle already.
comment:47 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
Correction - adbe redid the eagle with az in order to fix a problem with the original delivery, apl version has not yet been done.
comment:48 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
Stage 1 completed, running stage 2 for eagle.
comment:49 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
Re-running stage 2 as apl chain has been updated to generate additional masked files.
comment:50 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
Re-ran stage 2 for Hawk as aplcal has been updated in relation to the bad pixel file.
comment:51 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
Stage 3 complete - ready for delivery check.
comment:52 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
Delivery checked by Jan.
Made the recommended changes:
- mosaics moved to correct place in ReadMe
- Changed projcode in ReadMe title to GB08/06
- Changed DEM name to correct format
Putting on disk for Julia.
comment:53 Changed 13 years ago by knpa
delivered to Julia McMorrow in Manchester (25/07/12)
comment:54 Changed 9 years ago by dac
Data available from NEODC: http://browse.ceda.ac.uk/browse/neodc/arsf/2010/GB08_06/GB08_06-2010_167_Bleaklow
Tidied up project.
This project has not yet been fast copied into the arsf repoistry.